The strength the lies within.

Hay friends
Today's not really one of those days that am proud of, it was really boring actually but all the same it was not a bad day either. I guess it's just one of those days you sit and think about your self and how far you have gotten.
Today I will be talking about what I call self power up.... That's the strength that lies within you.
But first let's see what causes low self esteem or lack of inner strength.
Here are some reasons why we may lack inner strength
- Heartbreaker.
- Fear of being able to conquer.
- Lack of encouragement.
This can drastically reduce your level of esteem, it brings you down emotionally to a point that you can't do anything unless you are helped my someone. I really gives a negative feeling towards everything you see and do.
Fear of being able to conquer
Fear is the enemy of will, so once there is fear all will to to be strong is gone. Fear is simply lacking the courage to move through obstacles of life and the greatest fear in life is simply in your reflection.
Lack of encouragement
This is the easiest of them all 99% of humanity always find the strength and will to move on once they are encouraged, it's more like fueling an automobile vehicle.... Lol
But once this is not found its like the day turns into night and the motivation to accomplish things is simply lost.
This is not easy per say but once it achieved all is settled. Once we are at this state what can we do to get back on our feet, just two things believe in your self and remember who you are.
Believe in your self.
Once it comes to believing it's not really an easy thing to do, first you have to punch away everything holding you back seeing your self as you are to be or simply standing in front of the mirror speaking to your self say thing that will motivate you by so doing you are filling your self up with strength, believing you can and not you can't.
By doing this you are on the next step in achieving all that you desire....