How do you get motivated? (Blog #2)

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

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What is motivation in the first place?

Motivation is how we interpret reality, what it means and how we feel inside of us during or while the events of failure, disappointment etc are actually happening to us. What I mean is that each time something happens to us we give a personal interpretation based on our previous experiences; i.e. Our internal dialog might be something like this. “The song I wrote or played, or whatever else, did NOT had the results I expected, thus I failed again”. Watch the dialog you have between you and yourself be careful what is playing on the TV of your mind.

We all have to understand that failures are part of life because we are humans. Please understand that the most successful people had more failures than anybody else. Giving up, is an actual failure

Just read the stories of these people and see how they dealt with their failures

Read the story of Colonel Sander, who started at age, 65 and he received more than 1009 times “NO” before succeeding, making Kentucky fried chicken famous.

Read the story of Thomas Edison, where his teacher said that he was “too stupid to learn anything”, where he was fired from his first two jobs for not being productive, and where he made more than 1,000 attempts before inventing the light bulb.

How did these people kept moving forward even after having all these disappointments, and failures after failures. How did they feel inside of them? What would you have done if you were in their shoes? May be it is their faith, their believes deep inside of them, and being able of seeing/ interpreting things differently than any of us that finally made them to succeed.

What is the message here? Failures and disappointment are giving us a clear message, that there is something wrong with our approach, that is all. So change your approach and move on. Stop being hard on yourselves, by giving a positive meaning to your experience, for example, "You added another lesson to your overall experience by eliminating one more possibility that you now know does not work". If on the other hand you start blaming yourself, by trying to find reasons for your failures not only this will make feel bad but will also stop you from making any further attempts. Whatever happened one minute ago is called History. There is no person in this world that is alive today, that did not fail and will still be failing. The ones that have no failures are people lying horizontally 3 feet under, they are dead.

So watch what is playing on the TV of your mind. How to do this? Until next time

Good Luck!