Are You Self Motivated?

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)


Are You Self-Motivated?

Finding the key to self-motivation helps one find the key to success and happiness. Being different for each individual, it can be an elusive key to find. Self-motivation is a difficult concept to understand and implement, especially if you suffer from a spinal cord injury, or some other debilitating condition. Small tasks are often times difficult, thus requiring so much more to get on track.

Self-motivation can be defined as the ability to achieve a goal or a desire without being helped or influenced by someone else. In other words, you inspire yourself!

There are many motivation courses one can take to achieve and maintain the level of enthusiasm needed to move forward. It’s generally agreed that these courses are good, and many can be found online, but results can most of the time be only temporary. Motivation is like taking a bath. We need one every day.


With a constant daily dose of motivation you can be inspired to continue your projects and tasks, and maintain forward momentum until the desired goal is reached. There’s nothing like completing a task. Accomplishment in itself motivates, but sometimes it’s hard to stay focused, particularly when you have a disability. An out of reach ink pen, not being able to turn on the power to your computer, or just not being able to find something you desperately need can be very frustrating, and cause loss of focus, and motivation.

One way I’ve found to deal with this is through organization. Already struggling to accomplish many basic tasks, being organized helped me tremendously. Having everything I need in place, and set-up so accessibility is unencumbered is crucial for staying focused, and in turn motivated.

Additionally, it’s important everyone in the household understands things should remain in place for your benefit. This can sometimes be challenging, particularly if you have children. Just remember, children are naturally curious, and can be a source of frustration as well when you’re struggling to accomplish a task. Always be mindful, as they are trying to learn how to do things for themselves, just like you! Although, you’re relearning, and finding the best ways for you, similarly are children.


Remember, everybody’s injury or disability is different, so you’ll need to organize for your needs, and work through trial and error to meet your own needs. I’ve found that practice makes things easier. If you don’t try something, you’ll never will do it. You may have to invent a new way of doing something, but as long as you meet the same end, ingenuity is your friend.

Motivation allows us to maintain focus on the task at hand. If we’re not focused then we find ourselves floundering and distracted. Self-motivation is finding a way to concentrate your energy in the desired direction.

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Finding the method of self-motivation that works for you is an important first step. Many people gain motivation through religion. I’m one of them, and strongly recommend joining a church, if you don’t already belong to one. Knowing God, and becoming close to God, helps me focus, stay motivated, and reminds me to always try treat people the way I would like to be treated. Turning your needs and desires over to God, knowing that He will accomplish all things and grant all things as they’re needed in life is of great comfort.

This can be achieved through fellowship, prayer, meditation and focus. Faith can be a powerful motivator, and can be a critical part of remaining motivated. Combined with work, favorite activities, and quiet times faith can achieve wonders for your everyday focus, and motivation.


Many people are inspired by self-motivation, but lack the skill to implement it. It helps to understand your emotions, what triggers certain negative or unproductive emotions, and harness them by understanding their triggers. Try to avoid these triggers whenever possible. I know, it sounds easy, and I’m still working on that too, but knowing the triggers, and causes will help us to avoid negative emotions.

Realize that there will always be highs and lows in your life. Some days you’ll have to be peeled from the ceiling and other days someone will have to scrape you from the floor. Self motivators can deal with this wide range of emotions by knowing that beyond every valley, there is a peak.

A surge of energy usually comes with the beginning of a project or idea and self-motivation comes easily. Figuring out how to preform a task, or just how to do the most seemingly menial task(s) is sometimes a major task in itself. Take it one step at a time, and over time you’ll accomplish much more than you ever dreamt you could. Never doubt yourself!

Of course there will be doubts, but know in the back of your mind continuing is the best medicine. At times, you’ll encounter setbacks, doubt will start to creep in, and your energy level will drop as well as your motivation. You’ll be faced with the possibility of failure and it’ll become difficult to continue. Dig down deep, and never give up!


With the support of your loved ones, and/or with your sheer determination, you’ll get through it, and do things you never thought possible.

The path to success is never straight up the mountain. Know that you’ll meet many obstacles along the way. With self-motivation, you will find a way to go up, over, around or under anything that stands in your way!


Be prepared for the lows and anticipate the highs. You must resist negativity and search for the path back to positive thinking. With assistance, creative thinking and reflection you can succeed at almost anything within reason. Be inspired by self motivation and self motivation will inspire you. Each feeds on the other as you maximize motivation.

Improved Life Academy