It’s really bad how marriages of today end up. Marriage is supposed to be an everlasting new life with your partner once you decide to stay with him or her. This is why we have to be very watchful in selecting our marriage partners and must always keep in mind “Not all that glitters are made of gold”. You can also check on my previous post entitled “Know how to select your marriage partner” by clicking here to help you in selecting a right partner
After that post, I decided to write another post also entitled “The Golden Secrets Behind Marriage” simply to help steemians here preparing for marriage and also married steemians to have a successful and fruitful marriage
Below are the Golden Secrets Of Marriage
Every being alive today has a Dark history. We are not Angels to have no dark history in our life, avoid digging your partner’s past just to look for faults and decide not to continue with the relationship. What matters most is the present state or life of your partner. Old things have passed away and gone forever, so try to forgive and forget. The past can’t be changed, so focus on the present and the future.
Most people claim to have no weakness in life, even the richest man in the world has lot of weakness in life. It’s only our Almighty God who has no weakness. Every rose flower has its own thorn. Don’t focus much on your partner’s weakness, if you do so, you can’t get the best out of his/her strength.
Marriage is not a bed containing roses. Every shinning marriage we see around today has gone through its own test of hot and excruciating fire. True love is always proved in time of challenge. Always stand a chance of fighting for the progress and success of your marriage, make up your mind to always stay with your partner in time of needs. Remember this was the same vow you made on your day of wedding.
When we marry, we must declare a war against enemies of the marriage. This war is not the type of war like the second world war where we gather troops and fight against other nations but rather this war is against the enemies of our marriage, and these enemies are: Lack of Prayer, Ignorance, Lack of Forgiveness, Adultery, Stinginess, Lack of Love, Rudeness, Laziness, Divorce and many more. Always be prepared to fight to maintain your marriage zone
We normally compare our marriages to that of others. Never compare your marriage with anyone!!! We can never be of equal life, some will be far behind and others far in front as compared to us. To avoid stresses in marriage, be patient, work hard with respect to time and you will surely accomplish your marriage dreams.
We have no ready-made marriage in the world. Successful Marriage is all about Hard work, volunteer yourself and perfect it daily. Marriage is more unless like a Car with Gear oil, Gear box, back hassles and if this parts are not properly maintained, the car will break down somewhere along the road and exposing the occupant to unhealthy circumstances. Many of us today are careless about our marriage…. Are you? If you are, please pay attention to your marriage and help your relationship develop for the best.
We all can’t predict what will happen after marriage, as situations are likely to change so we must leave a room for adjustment. Pregnancy might not come in the next 4 years. You may get married to her simply because she is slim but remember she becomes 100% fatter after a child. He may lose his beautiful job for years that you have to take the financial responsibility of the family until he gets a new job. But with God by your side, you always smile at last.
We normally act as if Marriage was to be some sort of contract, marriage really desire for total commitment. Love is the glue that makes couple stick together forever. Divorce will always ring a bell in our minds when anything bad pops up, but Hey! Never pay attention to it. Never in any aspect of your marriage life threaten your partner with divorce. Choose to remain married.
Marriage is also like a bank account. You can only withdraw the money you deposited into your account. If we don’t deposit peace, love and care into our marriage then we are simply not candidates of a blissful home. There is no free love in marriage, you cannot love without giving and sacrificing.
God will provide for you your partner in the form of raw material in order for you to create what you desire. You may desire a woman who can pray for 1 hour but your wife can only pray for 30minutes. Don’t get upset with that, but rather help her with your love, prayer and encouragement and she will improve to be more than what you desire.

It very true that everyone has a dark history. Buh many articles has suggested that it better you keep your past life from your new partner else they will use it against you. That is a great message you have out there bro. Keep writing.
Yeah you are right..we've always got to forget the past and prepare ourselves for what the future holds for us
It's important that we really don't take marriage as a contract or we'll back out the moment it doesn't favor us. And for the matter of past history, nothing stays forever hidden and it'll be safe to discuss with our partner before they find out themselves. You'll marvel how people can be so understanding.