The secret to become rich finally unveiled!
Every day, I get up and look at the list of the richest people in America. If my name does not appear, I will work. (Robert Orben)
It seems to me, from my experience, that those who are not rich do not want it or do not do anything for it. I guess if you read this blog, you want to become one. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be rich. It is not a mortal sin!
If you have worked hard, sacrificed, stolen, cheated, moral and legal, you should be rewarded.
Despite what most people think about wealth, it's not bad. Like a gun, money is only a tool. Like any tool, it can be used to do good or bad things. Have you heard the recent promises made by the richest people in the world to donate half of their wealth? Not bad is not it?
All this to tell you that you do what you want with your money. You can keep it, give it all, or use it to make happiness around you.
It is not money in itself that makes happiness or misfortune, it is the person who owns it.
In many self-help books, you are advised to visualize your purpose and so you can find the way to get there.
But everything will not be done alone. You will not wake up one morning with several millions of euros on your bank account just because you have visualize your purpose.
We will have to act.
Do you want the secret to be rich?
Take risks !
It may sound simple, but it's the truth! That does not mean going off a plane and doing freefall for the first time without a monitor, without someone to guide you. This is not to say that you should bet everything you own on a coin or face. I'm talking about taking calculated risks. When you find an opportunity, enter it! Whether it's your personal life, an investment, your career or your business. Think again and again in your life where you have a choice to make, a decision to make, a chance to seize. How different would your life be if you did not make those choices?
In my case, my life would be completely different from what it is now. Many things that I would have thought impossible or difficult for me ten years ago, I do now every day. If you always follow the path of safety and you do not go out of your comfort zone, you do not take risks, in the long run you will surely pass by full of opportunities, see a life of which you had dreamed. You will not bloom and you may feel like you've missed something, you've missed out on your life.
Did everything I did in my life work as planned? Of course not! The many risks I took were not always rewarded and I suffered failures. I was hurt in my pride and in some cases I lost money.
Everything I had planned for my life did not work out as I would have liked. I watched and analyzed my failures to understand what was going on and what was wrong. I learned. If you do not take risks, what can happen to you? Nothing. No defeats, no trouble but no success either.
Take risks
We will have to start making bets. No, not bet everything at once, but make small bets and many. If you want to invest money, start by investing up to 5 to 10% of your savings. Start and try to create this business, this idea that has been in your head for a while, after hours and see what happens. Do not spend all your time there. As for a swim in the sea, start by just soaking your toes to see if the water is good.
These are not really bets in the traditional sense of the word. They are rather investments in time and / or money.
Why do some succeed and no others?
As serious investors, I suppose you study the risks when you have an idea for a financial investment, a real estate purchase or a business before you start. So why some people get started and others do not, why such investment seems risky for one and not for another? Well, sometimes this person does not have the skills in the field in which they invest and they do not understand what they are about to do. She does not understand the risks or assesses them badly. Nevertheless, some succeed. Why? Because they were lucky. On the other hand, other people are competent, have understood and assessed the risks but fail.
The person who is lucky rarely succeeds in the long run. Over time, their luck will turn, and their bad decisions will make them lose money. What they will win on one side through luck, they will lose another because of their incompetence. In the end they return to the average. A person with skills may not succeed at first, but in the long run, she will succeed. Some say to succeed you need luck. It's true but not exclusively. Success comes from hard work. The more I work, the luckier I am. As Stephen Leacock puts it: "Luck: the more I work, the more I smile."
Are you ready to take risks?