YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK YOU AREsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #motivation8 years ago

Look at the mirror and tell yourself it's time to confront the demon.

Are you surprised you are your own demon?

Here is it:

👉🏼You are the one walking through life tiptoeing.
👉🏼You are the one passing over opportunities repeatedly.
👉🏼You are the one making excuses when opportunities to turn your life around show up.
👉🏼You are the one overanalyzing situations and failing to take actions.
👉🏼You are the one seeing a million and one reasons why something that's working for everyone won't work for you.
👉🏼You are the one looking to have manna fall on your laps from heaven.
👉🏼You are the one who is too timid to take action because you are scared to death that you might fail.
👉🏼You are the one who is too proud to seek help from those that can actually help you.

Make up your mind to confront all of these head on and enjoy your deliverance from the demon that has been tormenting you for years.