7 ways of self-motivation!

in #motivation6 years ago

1. The most important moment of self-motivation is the realization that nothing will come out at once.

It doesn't happen that you wanted – and got the same hour. To do this, you need to go through the stages of life, to pass a certain period of time. The complexity of the task depends on the complexity of the goal, perseverance and, again, motivation. Any goal, project, etc. requires time and effort, be aware of this and be ready to apply these forces. Only action brings results. Any thoughts, discussion or doubt do not give result.

2. Do not limit your options.

Do not make plans that you can easily perform, otherwise you will lose interest in future plans. Schematically, a dream should be a plan, not a Mirage. You knowingly set yourself limits and stick to them. Taking large / complex projects / tasks, you expand your personal horizons, and it is followed by the acquisition of invaluable experience. This is what many call luck, but accidents are not accidental. 

3. Act quickly!

The expiration date of beginning of implementation of new ideas is 3 days. Know that if you do not take the first steps within 3 days, you will not realize it ever. Every idea is an opportunity to change something for the better. But only a few use them for real. Fast, often mistaken, but the only way to reach the top. The others sit and wait for the next opportunity to miss it again.

4. Fear of business – a natural physiological need, in this case – a protective reaction. Fear will arise before any important event or decision, you need to learn how to overcome it. How? - The most effective way: wedge wedge. Plunge into the atmosphere of fear and risk, meet him face to face, and he will disappear. The easiest way: "miracle of the word" - affirmations. For example “ "I can easily do everything” / "I'm fine with everything", etc.

5. Vision!

Try to realize - for what you do what you do. Know your big goal and follow it-that's what will help you not to relax, will not get lost, will always stimulate you. At the same time, track the events of your own life and analyze the errors. In short, be ready to adjust your way at any time. More often, ask yourself: what I'm doing now brings me closer to my dream?

6. With a weak level of self-motivation, you can use competition with yourself or with competitors. What's the benefit of that? - Succeed as a result and get a dose of motivation and desire to continue. Each such victory develops in the brain enzyme, similar to the action of the drug – causes euphoria, happiness, etc. That's why people who “made themselves”, rarely use drugs, and so they are happy with life and themselves.

7. Do what you like!

Otherwise, sooner or later (and probably sooner than later) you'll be bored. Because the main rule of any success is to do what you love. Everyone knows this truth, but only a few apply it. And focus on one thing at a time. Live this business, put your strength and soul into it. Only then will the process bring you real results.