Life Is Not All About What We See!!! This will change your situation and life for ever!!!

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

A very interesting fact about this life is that what we do not see are the master forces behind everything going on on earth. You would be amused to know that even if we've been on earth for a long time, studying with such great inventions and knowledge, there are still a lot of things we are still ignorant of.

In fact, what doctors know is less compared to the knowledge they should attain. In the medical school, they are taught a lot about the human body, diseases, treatments and prevention; but what they know about the human body are less compared to what it is about the body. This is why we have research institutes because we've come to knowledge of how little we know. Even astronauts study other planets, you might say they've known so much about our planet for them to venture into other celestial bodies but this is not true. They hope that in learning about other planets, you get to know more about yourself. (This theory works a lot... If you want to discover yourselves, study other people.) Lets go into the engineering field, they've been trying over the few years and getting more advanced quickly compared to the medical field. This is due to the study of inanimate object which are more predictable than a computer system designed by someone we do not know. (Computer system in this case refers to humans and all other life creatures).  

Why is this that we die? Why is it that we do not know much as we ought? Who are those in charge of this world? What controls this world? Is it the law of attraction? Is it a universe god? Are we real? Are we just an illusion? Or a thought of some mighty creature? Why do we find it hard to answer somethings?

Well, the answer lies in things we can not see..... Note: I say things we can not see and not things we can never see.

Religion has done a great job over the years trying to provide answers to why we are alive and what we are expected to do. They come to conclusion of a God or gods, angels, demons and spiritual forces--- all of which we can not see.

Looking carefully, we've been so ingrained into believing only things we can see and not things we can not see.  However, after making researches and brainstorming, i discovered this world is majorly composed and controlled by things we can not things (note again, I say can not see not never see).

Lets make this more interesting --- We shall be viewing this from five different dimensions or perspectives. This is essential as to me emphasizing my point and bringing you to a knowledge, after which I tell you ho you can apply this into your life.


Medicine had been existing a long time ago. The art of diagnosis, healing, nursing and surgery existed among the ancient Babylonians, Chinese, Egyptians and Indians. It was a noble art with a lot of limitations until they were exposed to deeper knowledge - they began to see what they could not see, this is the essence of life.

The invention of microscopes, anatomy and introduction of microscopes changed a lot in the world of medicine. Let me break it down further: Our body are made up of billions of cells, some which formed our body, others are foreign - positive and bad micro-organisms. They were things that we could not see but with the invention of microscopes, we began to see them. We then learn to treat disease by killing the micro-organisms. These micro-organisms were studied further with the aid of microscopes, we began to classify them, know their limitations and strength. These were things we could not see that controlled our body in some ways and in directly shaped our world. 

Anatomy exposed us to the structures of the body and its internal organs, once again - things we can not see functioning to keep us alive.

X-rays help the medical field in study bones of people without having to cut them open... You wont know what is wrong with people or which bone is broken because you can not see it -- X-ray made us see it.


Chemistry study chemicals and reactions.... All boils down to things we can not see with our naked eyes - Atoms.

Atoms are the secret behind every chemical reactions - reactions occur at the atomic level. We see water vaporize everyday, food digest, sun burn without extinguishing and metals rust, we would have no explanation for it because the things behind it are things we can not see.


I love physics because of the laws and principles. The most fascinating one is the law that guides things that goes up ensuring they come down - Gravity. We do not see gravity but we believe it exist. We know it is a force which is present on earth but absent outside earth. What is the magnet under our earth in its core responsible for this? All I know is I can't see gravity but it's impact is felt by all creatures on earth, even birds.


We don't see words but they are weighty. They are capable of striking war and also bringing people to tranquility. They are things we can never see but are major constituent of our world.


Religion have been believing in things we can not see for a long time now. We they believe in invisible creatures which can cause peace and also havoc. They influence people and enable them do the supernatural. Christianity one of the major religions in the world teaches its followers to walk by faith and not by sight (II Cor. 5 :7). And the definition of faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb 11:1). This is because they've come to realize that this world is in controlled majorly by creatures and forces which can not be seen.

If i am to say about the arithmetical description of this world's control, I'd say this world is controlled by 98% things we can not see. 

What is my definition of things we can not see?

  • They are invisible forces
  • They are invisible substances
  • They are creature we can not see with our mere eyes
  • They are creatures we can never see

I classify things we can not see into Visible and Invisible. Visible are the things that exist, we can not see them but with the aid of an instrument, knowledge or endurance - we will see them. Invisible things are the components we can never see but exist and are actively shaping this world.


I hope you we not confused, in case you are still not getting the point - this is a quick summary:a,

Life is impacted majorly by what we can not see like electricity, voice, words, thoughts, gravity, angels, demons, cells, weather etc. These things make up a large sum of our society and are the chief in charge of how things are run here on earth. But not all of them are totally invisible --- Some are so small we can see them like the cells of our body, micro-organisms, atoms etc while the other set are totally invisible, some are abstract like wind, words, electricity etc.  Why are they hidden and can't be seen, because they are great and they make things great.

You do not expect to see gold on the floor, they are hidden deep inside the rock where human can not easily find or see them. Philosophers warn that we do not judge a book by it's cover but the fact is that we human judge things by what we see. But what if we make a u-turn and begin to dive into the world unknown? What if we begin to use what we can not see to our advantage? 

Mighty men today are admired by all, we see their greatness but can never see the work they put into getting to that position. There is a lot of power in words and human psychology. The mind can not be seen but make decisions for people without them knowing, it has no boundaries and it makes us who we are. 

With all this, I believe you've realized the power of the unseen and will dive to un-mystify the unseen reasons why you behave the way you do, why you are always depressed, what's really causing it that you work hard and not successful etc. I hope you also learn to do things using the power of the unseen to become successful.

Please upvote and comment, I know you've learnt a lot from this post. Do not forget to follow me @damzxyno.

Please Re-steem, not only will you be doing me a favor but you would be liberating and exposing your followers to a rare knowledge. 


Thanks and God bless... 

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good post

Thanks, really appreciate.

Nice Post @ damzxyno....
Really Helpful