Life Would Have Been Better If I Knew These Things Earlier...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #motivation8 years ago


One of the founders of philosophy called Socrates, was termed as the wisest man on planet earth by Delphi an Oracle. When Socrates found out that the Oracle made such a statement, immediately he knew that it was a wrong statement. And he said, I am sure of one thing, that i know nothing.

So I began to wonder, how can someone as smart as Socrates, who is the wisest man on earth know nothing? This was my first time of hearing of this complex kind of wisdom and by then I was about 15 or 16 years of age. It left a remarkable impact on me so much that I began to use Socrates's quote as a learning strategy through life.

To me, what, I know nothing means, is that you might be educated, yet you know nothing. You can learn from everything and everyone.

I like learning from other people's mistakes better than learning from my mistakes. I have been opportune to have great teachers, role models, family friends who have taught me great things about life.

I will like to share with you the list of things that are very important that I learned from other people and from reading books. Most of the lessons I learned took me a long time to learn, It would have taken me much more longer if I heard to learn them all myself.

We are quick to learn things but often times we forget things at the same frequency and we ought to remind ourselves of the things we have learned sometimes.

Find below the list of great things I learned from others:

1.  It's A Good Thing To Struggle.

Don't ever say I can't take it anymore. Rather say, Bring it on!

2.  Never You Complian.

Complaining is said to be a time waster. You either do something about the situation or you shut up about it.

3.  Spend Quality Time With People You Love.

Always spend quality time with your loved ones, that's your family and close friends, per adventure you don't have a family, create one. Certain people in your life are only visitors. But family stick around for life.

4.  If You Are Not In Love, Never Start A Relationship.

I have been through that road more than once. When you think you like someone and think: we can give it a try. Never a good idea, trust me, is either you are in love, or you are not. It's not fair to both parties. Don't be fooled.

5. Work Out Daily -Do Exercise.

I never got this until recently, Being healthy gives you the opportunity to start everything in life. Without you building a strong and healthy body, then what can you build in life?

6.  Always Keep A Journal.

I can see that look on your face. No, keeping a journal is not for children. It enables you to be the best thinker and writer ever. You may say, I write texts and emails every day. We are all writers.

7.  Be Thankful, Always Appreciate.

Always appreciate every kind gesture. Say thank you to everyone and everything. Say things like Thank you for life, Thank you for always being there for me. Etc.

8. Careless About What People Think.

People's opinion dosen't really count, what matters is you living a satisfied life. We will all die at the end, so what the heck? Do you really think it matters what people think about you?

9.  Be A Risk Taker.

Don't be such a weakling. Successful people are high risk takers.

10.  Don't Pick A Job, Pick An Industry.

For you to be an expert on something, you need to spend years  doing that. You cannot achieve that by jumping for one industry to another. Select an industry you are interested in and then start at the bottom. You will eventually find the perfect role for you.

11.  Be A Leader.

There are times when everyone tends to look at each other, then it's time for you to direct them. You become a leader when you decide to be one. There's nothing like initiation or a title. Only a decision.

12.  Never See Money As The Most Important Thing.

Direct your attention on providing value rather than you caring a lot about money. Don't depend too much in what you have, otherwise, your stuff will own you.

13.  Be Nice Always.

I am not saying you should be a pushover. You can be a strict person and also be nice about it. The bottom line is never to insult people. Act like an idiot or think you are a more better person than them.

14.  Endeavor To Learn Everyday.

You need to teach your brain to be alert. You don't have to read a book to learn everyday. Tend to learn from your mistakes. Endeavor to learn from people and things around you. Keep an open mind to what you can learn from them.

15.  Don't Get Tired Before You Rest.

Everyday tends to be a holiday, you need to make out time to rest, even if you love your job so much. You are not an android but a human, bear that in mind.

16. Do Not Judge. 

Just because you make smarter choices than people, doesn't make them stupid. You can't tell everything about someone. Therefore don't judge them, rather lend an helping hand.

17.  Be Considerate - Think About Others .

Do not always make things be about you. Be mindful, that's all. Everyone has one bill or the other to pay, or family to attend too, or our own issues.

18.  Never Expect Something In Return When You Give.

Don't keep counts. You will feel bad if you do that. Give only because you enjoy giving. If you eventually get something in return, awesome, if not, is still very cool.

19.  Enjoy Small Things.

Life is too short. Don't wait until you achieve something big before you enjoy life. Celebrate the little things and the bigger one will manifest eventually.

20.  Don't Be To Serious With Yourself.

Yeah sure, you are and individual, and people have to see the seriousness in you. I get it. Yet at the end, we are all trying to chase the same things. Loosen up.

21.  Take Responsibility For Your Actions.

What is the point of putting the blame on people, Do you  want to get them punished? And never blame yourself also -you are only human.

22.  Be Creative - Create Something.

Leaving a legacy is great. But you won't be here to see it anyway. But try to be relevant. Write a book, make music, build a house, anything, just be creative. You will proud of what you achieve. And also you give something back to people to use or enjoy.

23.  Do not Look Back For Long.

Thinking about what happened in the past is only good for one thing: Learning 

24.  Take Action.

Don’t just sit there and ponder, get something done. There is no outcome without action.

You might be versed in knowledge. You might know it all. But according to Socrates, you and I don't know anything at all. So we have to keep learning.

Thanks for reading. You are highly appreciated.

@jodipamungkas for the badge


Life is too short my dear. We gaz unwind a little

I tell you.

yeah. i think so

Philosophy is life. Great article you have here. Good job

No matter how much we say we dont care or try not to care, deep down, we still care what people say and think about us.
If what ppl say abt us is something we dont like, dts when we start hearing I dont care.
But if it's something good, we smile and even try to keep dt reputation.

I think what we can do is not to take things too seriously. If what is being said is good, cool.
If it's not good, no problem. The important people in our life wont change their opinions abt us cos of hearsay

Good points dear.

I am easily satisfied with the very best.

- Winston Churchill

That's a good choice my friend.

@cutedicta you got me rekindled by this post. Such a tonic. Steem on!

Thanks Boss. Am glad you like it.

I appreciate all but mostly 15 and 22.The desire to fulfil one(22) robs off on nte other (15).Nice advice

Thank for sharing
I know nothing

Quite a handful there and I am so loving it. Thanks for sharing.