The only law worth talking about

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

So it is called the law of attraction and it is the most amazing life changing law you could ever learn to understand.You see i believe that we are all god everything ia god the whole universe,And this unknown energy or force that connects everything together in this demension by energizing EVERYTHING into vibrations that are vibrating to the speed it takes for this dimension to pick them up.Well there is this other energy or maybe the same one that has a direct connection with our brains if we know how harness this power/energy majority of us humans these days arent nearly awake/concious enough.The ancient civilizations were on a whole nother level of concoiusness for example the egyptians,the mayans,the,aztecs theres so many signs that show how far far far more advanced these people were mentally,spiritually,metaphysically.They did things that would be hard for us to do today with all the equipment and tools without a single one of them.When your mind is pushed to that level of needed conscious i believe that your mind sends whatever your thinking and truly truly believing out into the universe and that the universe returns the type of energy u sent out back to u.Ppl have truly beat cancer to doctors shock just by truly believing it wasnt gonna break them they stayed positive and went on with normal life and at the doctors one day poof the tumor was gone! with no reason at all for it happening.Think and it will be,we create our own miracles by thinking and believing it wholeheartedly.Dont let society or religion blur that beautiful power that is you that is your brain. like they always do very successfully they want u to believe your weak and only as strong as this being made u to be which is not as strong him noooo never.Fear him dont dare think or do anything outside the set guidelines he created for us or welll BURN!but he loves us yes he does.wake up my strong humans we create our own universe /destiny/think will be much love as always


Very great post @chadsik welcome to the Steemit Family great job and great post thanks @garrettwallace

Appreciate it ty sir truly