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RE: What if You Didn't Go to Work Tomorrow?

in #motivation8 years ago

I'm not making a lot of money yet, and by that I mean, barely making $1 a day, but when I quit my job and decided not to go to work anymore, I would concentrate on my business and on my writing. I suffered a burnout in the process, because I should have stopped working sooner and due to PTSD, but I have not regretted it. I have been enjoying reconnecting with myself, my inner child, healing myself, being on this journey with my loved ones, and working on the things that matter to me. Despite my episodes from symptoms that remain, despite everything I've been through, I feel I have found happiness. Now all I need is money which will enable me to do more of what makes me happy. And I'm figuring out ways to achieve that goal :) Tomorrow, I will do that same thing I always do, decide what project I want to work on and do that.


This is a very moving story. And proof that the statement "Money does not buy happiness" is true :) Yes, it can make you more comfortable and less stressed, but happiness cannot be bought.

I am proud of you for taking these steps. They will only lead to the greatest riches <3

Thanks. I feel that I needed to take that step back, you know. And I found happiness by learning to love and accept myself BEFORE making money. Now that I have found what I was in search for, while I continue to find more, I can focus on creating and making money ;)

Well said.

I had to do the same thing before I turned writing into a career.