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RE: What Motivates People At Work? (English/Turkish)

in #motivation6 years ago

It seems to me that everything depends on what money means for us. If this means that helps us to develop, grow and move forward, create something, please others or bring them practical benefits, then this is certainly good. But if money means for us first of all security, social status, reliable insurance from any problems - poverty, loneliness, boredom, it means that to earn money, mainly fear motivates us to work. It can be the fear of poverty, the fear of tomorrow, the fear of not meeting someone's expectations, the fear of losing, the fear of being a failure, and so on ... And, at first glance, there seems to be nothing wrong with that. Indeed, fear can be a very strong motivator. For fear we can make a lot of money. Lots of. Even - millions. But if we experience fear for a long time (weeks and months), our hormonal balance is disrupted. Excess adrenaline and cortisol - the hormones that the body produces at times of stress, will accumulate in the body and poison our body.
That is why fear is called one of the most destructive feelings: it literally destroys our physical body. Of course, each of us chooses his own life, and we choose what will motivate us to earn money, to develop, to achieve some results.
But if we are motivated by fear, we will constantly experience stress or intense tension. And then work, making money becomes hard labor - imperceptible, routine, but day after day, poisoning life and killing us ...
Motivate yourself with the opposite feelings: love of life, inspiration, research interest, the joy of creativity ... It is important to link money in our minds not with solving problems, but with these positive feelings.
And whatever we do in our workplace, we just need to realize that what we do brings someone good or joy. And more often concentrate on this thought. This motivation is much more useful both for achieving the goals set and for health.