Study is not a huge part of our life and being student is merely our temporary role. Actually that time in our precious moment to develop into better person. One cannot know and experience everything with limited ages.

However, we can gain unlimited knowledge and lesson once we start to share and exchange. By sharing we know more. We have fostered good friendship and become a better individual. Through sharing, we apply our knowledge and subsequently we gain more.

Being student, we still are learning and painting our lives with endless color and school should be safest platform for us to practice our behavior here sharing makes more sense to complement each other. Nothing can be accomplished without a cohesive team work. One cannot be successful without any assistance provided by others frankly have you shared your fortune wealth and knowledge with your friends. If not try your best whenever you are still able to do so. A real success is more than just a straight. A result of thousands and one certificate but whether one really enjoys the process towards success and sharing will be a must for the particular joyful process. So keep learning and sharing.(