How to fix yourself

in #motivation8 years ago (edited)

DO NOT LIKE TO gossiping

Avoid the habit of gossiping, because it causes three disasters: first, unanswered prayer. Second, good deeds are unacceptable. And third, sin increases.
(The history of Ali bin Abi Talib, ra)


There is absolutely no benefit to gossip about others, leaving only hurt and regret. The life we ​​live in is not like a straight path that can easily be passed. All the things that other people experience around us whether it's a success or a failure are not as easy as others see.

Gossiping others is the most costly act, learn from those who are hurt by gossip. Gossiping others will never make someone a victory let alone make someone become rich.

Remember, there is no need for us to express prejudice and hatred toward others, close ourselves to God, always ask for His guidance, and only to Allah are we expressed all our anxiety and complaints, for Allah alone has the antidote of every heart human.



Gossip is really bad because you talk negatively about other persons.
It is difficult not to follow the group when they talking Gossip, but I make everyone aware that they Gossip and that I do not approve this behavior.
Thanx this is a nice post.

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I do not believe in the God of theology who rewards good and punishes evil.

- Albert Einstein