Learn Anything - Perfection Through Practice

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

Source- edited

Learn Anything
Perfection Through Practice

In this life, everything’s about skills, about what you like to do and about what you can do for money. The more in demand your skills are, the more money you are going to make. Wouldn’t be nice if you could acquire any skills you may want or need?

You can do it. You aren't born with skills, however, throughout your lifetime you acquire more and more abilities from walking to driving and everything else in between. Skills that you can learn and improve as time is passing by.

There’s one thing I know for sure: you can develop any aptitude you wish by practice, hard work, and patience.


Story Time

I am from Romania. Therefore English is not my maternal language; you might have noticed this. About four years ago I was so bad at English that I was writing it with Romanian diacritics(ș instead of sh; ă as in"the"). As I'm sure, you may know, in the English language, diacritics are non-existent, but I didn't realize that at the time, and I entirely butchered the language.

I continually exposed myself to English through this innovative thing called the internet, and now I can say that I am speaking reasonably well.

About five months ago I joined Steem, until that point I have never written anything, and because of the monetization possibility, I started writing. Of course, in the beginning, I wasn’t that good, but with practice, I got better, both at my English and at my actual writings. Now, I can say that I'm decent at it, enough to influence my ideas to other people.

There's a lot more to say, but the main idea is that you can at least get decent at something by constant practice.


Go for it

What I want you to do now is to start something. It doesn’t matter if it’s something that you’ve been putting off for a long time now or something that you think you may like doing.

Start something, anything, and practice it. My advice would be to create a schedule for yourself, so you don’t get lost in life’s endless possibilities of wasting your time and stick to it. In that program include at least one hour of practising that skill and do it every day.

Do not miss any day. If you do it once, you’ll do it twice and missing days may soon become a habit.

After about thirty days of practising, it’ll become a habit for you, and even if at the beginning you didn’t like doing it so much the chances are that you will enjoy it a lot more now.

If you give a fair amount of time and attention to anything after a while, you will get better and better at it.

Another thing is never to stop practising even if you are the best at that stuff. This is the reason why Michael Jordan, even if he’s one of the best basketball players, he’s not missing any training session.

Make sure to tell me down in the comments what you want to start now. Good luck.

Authored by: @GuyFawkes4-20

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Never ever stop learning. I work with many people who've put their work lives on "cruise control" and are just coasting into retirement. Very sad.

Wanna share this quote I found to be powerful:-

One of the most damaging and widespread social beliefs is the idea that most adults are incapable of learning new skills.
by Naval Ravikant

School should focus on producing people, who when leaving school, are curious and eager to learn.

Absolutely! It seems that school is geared toward teaching people how to be cogs in a machine rather than how to be innovative, think outside of the box and be leaders.

It would be so beneficial to society if our education systems could produce more self reliant citizens. Well, obviously working as a community is also important, but I meet too many kids who just don't know how to figure things out and are actually repelled by anything that even slightly smells educational.

I totally agree, the most important thing school should teach us is to have a critical spirit and curiosity. Then work discipline (the practice) is also very important. Learning a musical instrument is perhaps the best example, there is nobody out there that mastered an instrument without practicing for hours, every day, for many years.

I'm a self made programmer, just because I have a critical spirit and curiosity. It's happened a long time ago when my school provides a programming class. After about 2 sessions they stop it. Started from there my spirit and curiosity boost up and I cannot stop it.

It's sad when you see older people thinking that they are unable to learn new stuff.

please follow

I agree with you @kevinwong , and I don't like this it cause peception that only young ones can learn new skills and this prevents employers hire candidates who are above 35 or 40. Sad, this MUST be changed.

Yes. I just published a quote that you might like https://steemit.com/quote/@vdux/quote-of-the-day-december-9-2017. It's a quote about your mindset when facing
a challenge. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts -- also @adsactly and anybody else who reads this post.

I completely agree with this quote! We should all think about our natural skills but we should also continuously improve them and try to make the best out of it.
Have a good day!

So true and inspiring.

I recently was learning a song ont he piano and I have so much trouble reading, and with playing fast. I was convinced I would never be able to play it a full speed. Well the other day, when my fingers were properly warmed up, I got there. It wasn't flawless, but I did not hesitate as much and it was almost up to par. Then another time, it wasn't so great. I I know now, I need to warm up properly and be alert while playing and with time, I will play it more and more at full speed without hesitations or mistakes. It gives me confidence to keep going.

Now, it inspired me for something I need to try, due to lack of money, which is audio sound cleaning and mixing. So I looked up a bunch of tutorials and I will take small clips, pradtice, try things out, practice, until I get a decent result and can go on with the bigger project.

It's all these little victories that are the proof that we can succeed in the future when we practice enough.

It's easy to forget and get discouraged when we don't get there yet. We just need to keep reminding ourselves of those other victories to motivate ourselves to keep at it.

A famous musician, I don't remember his name, once commented that Rachmaninoff practiced playing so slowly. I'm a complete amateur at the piano, but it's amazing what you can learn by taking things in tiny little bites. It took me a long time to learn Rachmaninoff's Prelude Op 23 #4, but I finally got it, and I can play it at the proper tempo. What I do is learn one measure at a time; just one. I play it till it's down pat.

The next day I play that measure a few times, and then I go back and play what I know from the beginning of the piece until the measure I just learned. I then go to the next measure. I'm now about 3/4 of the way learning the Prelude Op 23 #6, and I continue to play #4 to keep it in my head.

I'll never be a concert pianist, but it is absolutely heavenly to be able to play a difficult piece of music relatively well.

I've published about 10 books. The first one took me 10 years. The last one took a few months. I'm not an English major, and English isn't even my first language. Practice, practice, practice. Persistence pays.

That's amazing! :) Yup, practice and we can succeed.

Thank you, I'm glad to hear that you're inspired. I have learned so many things from simple tutorials on youtube that is unbelievable.

The big successes are made from small wins; you got it right ;)

Keep on going, no matter what, that is the strategy.

Absolutely. What an amazing resource at our fingertips: the internet. Through it, we have the ability to learn just about any skill by reading, watching and then trying it ourselves. To not get distracted is the biggest challenge.

To not get distracted, the focus is like a muscle; you can train it. The more you stay focused, the better you get at it, and over time it will come naturally. ;)

Thanks for the encouragement. As with most things, time and consistent effort are key. It's so natural to want the instant fix instead.

Oh yes, focus. Sometimes, I am so focused, it's like mindfulness meditation, other times I'm just so distracted lol That too comes with practice ;)

I hear you there!

Yesterday I was talking to an elderly person.....he is at the verge of death......But he still likes to be panctual....and sophisticated......I asked him that his age of being panctual is long ago gone......y is he still making life harsh ...he can enjoy and let loose of all these worries
His answer stun me .....
He said kid....had I let loose my panctuality I would have been long ago dead ....life is nothing but an organized mechanism of panctual things....

what a reply. for such great people life without that organized mechanism is equal to death.
see every one has to dye one day other... but living with principles is living after death. good to see you appreciating such morals. all the best to you

Thank u sir....even appreciation for such values is worth lauding

Ive been just posting random bitcoin and funny stuff so far, not really working. I have decided to go the high quality route and been working on my first well researched post for the last 2 weeks. Its very inspiring that you have managed to come up so far in steemit in your 5 months. I am about 2 months in now but I am learning by the day.
"Nobody is an expert on day one" : )

Quality is crucial, focus on it. And also, focus on community and making friends. They weren't five easy months, I worked a lot but I enjoyed the process, and that is the most important thing.

Thanks. I will do.

"Overwhelmed? Slow it down, take it easy, just enjoy the process :) Observe the situation, don't be the situation and life becomes fairly straight. Pay attention to the scales, there lies all the detailing. If you get too much close it's all pixels, too much far and it's all blur, be in the zone of clarity i.e. present, the only truth that matters, for everything else is either remembrance or speculation"

Read the full article here -> https://steemit.com/life/@kode/stop-right-now

You are very right, practice and effort make the difference

I did not draw before now look what I can do

now I just have to continue practicing to improve

Oh, wow, this is impressive. Congrats. ;)

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Great advice! I find that one of the biggest roadblocks to success is giving up once the project becomes 'not fun'. There always reaches a point in any endeavor when whatever you are working on stops being fun and becomes work.

The real success comes when you are able to push through and reap the real benefits of your labor.