3 Tips To Enjoy Motherhood!
Nothing beats the love of the mother for her kids and that's probably because she gave the birth to her child despite the difficulties and pain. She bears the pain of pregnancy for around 8-9 months just to give the birth to her child. How amazing she is, and maybe you're one of those moms? Congratulations to you for facing all of that pain!

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Whenever I had a little scratch on my skin in my childhood, my mom used to ask me: "Wow son, let's go to a doctor and cure that scratch" and today when she sees that I am spending more time than usual on the laptop, she asks: "Son, is there something you're worried about? Tell it to me" and I say: "Don't worry mom, no such things, just finishing some pending works". My mom is my best friend!
That's how important are the kids for their mothers. If you've just become a mother recently, I'd love to share the ways you could enjoy with your children. It's fun not only for mothers but also for fathers. In this article, I'd share the ways only for moms (and fathers are welcome to try them).
1 - Imagine your own childhood while taking care of your children:
The old memories never fade away because they are precious to us and when we get lost in our old memories, it puts a smile on our faces. Just like that, when you're taking care of your own children, imagine your own childhood and realize the love of your mom.
Some old memories are mood killers so there's no need to think over them. Positive memories rebuild the mood and energize the person. If your mom is alive, then show your gratitude to her for raising you up like that.
2 - Throw your phone away and talk with your child:
Unfortunately, the smart phone is the reason of our detachment with our own family members, and we fail to admit that our own family members are actually our best friends. When your best friends are at home, you don't need to use Facebook to chit chat with friends unnecessarily.
Your children are your best friends. You can enjoy your time talking with your few years old daughter and trust me, it's a lot of fun to talk with kids due to their innocence. I'm saying this because there are some mothers in the world who believe that children are just the waste of time and energy and after a few years of giving the birth, they start feeling as if their whole lives are destroyed. They become aggressive and harsh on children (just like my neighbor who's always shouting on her few years old kids).
3 - Wake up early before your kids:
It may be difficult for you after the hardships that you went through but if you manage to include this into your routine and maybe do some Yoga, it will make you feel so much relaxed. At least, try to spend around 10 minutes alone in the early morning and plan the things you want to do today.
You need some time to be alone and you can probably get plenty of time when your children are at school. It's a good idea to go out for shopping and buying the clothes for your baby or other necessary items. It feels great to give those surprises to your kid when they come back from school.
Yet there are mothers that consider motherhood as a madness. You really need to decide by evaluating the facts that what's important for you, prepare to-do list and work according to your schedule because most likely it's your bad schedule that's making you think like that. When things are arranged properly in the motherhood, the mother starts enjoying with what she is.
Life Story in Mother's Ideals