What are the 10 most in demand skills in 2017?

in #most7 years ago


Speed learning - there is so much information now, and almost everything we think we know is becoming obsolete. Fast. The ability to learn very fast is by all means very important.
Online marketing - with billions of people online. You know why this is freakin’ important.
Social skills as always - you still have to work with people around you and live a good life(if you care). Social skills will always be important for everyone. Or else you'd just be alone and lonely. Bad bad bad for anyone's physical and mental health.
Problem solving skills - if you can solve someone's problem, she will pay you for it. If you focus on that. Finances will never be an issue. Trust me, even a guy from Nigeria understands this.
Idea generation - each time I read about what makes start ups successful these days. I get blown away. There are like a million subtle needs now hiding in the shadows. Learn to come up with ideas, you don't know which problems you might stumble on and solve and get rich.
Networking skills - sometimes I've noticed it's not about how hard you work but about who you know. You can work for 10 years, and be at the same level with another person privileged to inherit a rich network and who leveraged it with just 2 years of work.
Self knowledge - doing what is wrong for you and not accepting what you really want is the perfect recipe for a gloomy and failed life. I don't think anything is more important than self discovery and reinvention.
Self management - I hope you have heard that motivation is conscious. In fact it has a brain and Mr motivation doesn't always hang around. It comes and goes on its own, and there is noting you can do about it. If you sti rely on it, you are screwed. This is why managing yourself and motivating yourself in the absence of emotional inspiration is very vital.
Persuasion - you are always going to sell to succeed in life. It may be to sell yourself, a product, your start up or art or whatever. So learning to increase your chance someone buying from you is not just Essential, but necessary. Life you will die if they don't buy necessary!
Productivity - we all have the same 24 hours everyday. Some people waste it, while others create an amazing life with it. So better get your plans and up that productivity game of yours.