Moshe Strugano Share Story about Life?

I guarantee there will be numerous individuals who read this article and will think I am somewhat distraught. In all honesty I couldn't care less. In this article I expound on what as I would see it are the most important things throughout everyday life, wellbeing and joy.
All that the vast majority of my companions talk about is cash:
What vehicle do you drive?
What amount is your home worth?
What amount do you procure?
What amount did your suit cost?
Where are you going on vacation this year?
I discover the entirety of this exceptionally exhausting and imagine that they are somewhat miserable. They appear to be in a type of rivalry and they are essentially fixated on cash.
I will give you an illustration of one such companion, his name is John. He never appears to discuss whatever else and is continually investigating easy money scams. He is likewise in a lottery partner, of which there are around fifty individuals. Every part pays around ten pounds in every week. John likes to go out associating on a Saturday night, anyway before long gets irritated feet at the hour of the lottery draw. A couple of moments later he will go to the latrine where he will at that point telephone his better half. He takes with him to the latrine a bit of paper with his numbers on and a little pen. After his sweetheart has disclosed to him which numbers were drawn, John will at that point at that point go through around twenty minutes checking his numbers, and afterward re-verifying whether he has any triumphant lines.
In the long run he re-visitations of the gathering who appear to be sharp (aside from me) to discover the amount he has won/lost. To date he has just won modest quantities, anyway is persuaded that one day he will end up being a tycoon. He will at that point begin discussing the lottery, asking others what they would purchase on the off chance that they were sufficiently fortunate to actually win. Now I become extremely exhausted and begin to wish I had remained at home and viewed the football.
For me the two most significant things in life are wellbeing and satisfaction. These are two things which cash cannot accepting. A couple of years back, my father became sick. He was in a genuine terrible manner and needed to go through around five months in emergency clinic. He being badly was an immense stun to me as he was just 57. I dreaded the most exceedingly awful, despite the fact that I was attempting my hardest to think and remain positive. I thought, on the off chance that I gave those specialists all that I own on the planet, it actually would not assistance him. I felt weak and at that point understood that cash is just paper.

Satisfaction is the equivalent, I recollect at the age of 21 having heaps of cash and had been amazed that I was discouraged simultaneously. At different occasions I have had close to no cash and have been very upbeat.