6-9am what are you doing?

in #morning7 years ago

I've recently become a morning person. At first out of necessity but then, I learned to love it.

When my alarm goes off at 5:30 yea, I still dread it. I mean it's fucking still dark outside, man. But i shrug it off and carry on. Make my way to the only beacon of hope possible at this hour ☕️, (well I take a hit from the bowl first) my coffee pot. I see now why caffeine is Americas drug of choice. I'll take mine any way you serve it too, could be black or filled with cream, sweetened or not, just don't give me anything fake and I'll be happy.

The beautiful thing about 6 am, is no one's awake. Before the children can cry, or the dog can bark, I've self medicated my loathe of waking up and am ready to get a start on my day. Sitting on my deck this brisk autumn morn typing away as I watch the sun rise. I only wish I had a camera to show you. The spring time morning songs are nowhere to be heard this day, shit is cold my guy.

The military they have a saying, "We get more done before 9 am than most people accomplish their entire day."
I'm starting to really feel that, I went from barely waking up at 12:30 to rise and shine by 6am. Adding that many hours to my day has been life changing. And its all thanks to my favorite drugs. A little weed to numb the mind and a little caffeine to get the body going. Now I'm getting more shit done in a day, even the little things I used to ignore. So I ask you, what's your 6-9 look like?