Selfie Tips

in #monoreto7 years ago

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Selfies have become a standard way that we take photos these days. Front-facing cameras on mobile phones have made this extremely convenient and second nature for many of us. We can hold out our phone and literally see ourselves as we pose for a photo. Plus we don’t have to ask strangers to take photos for us anymore when out on vacation.

You’ve got a lot of options when it comes to taking selfies. One is to crop in very close. By getting rid of the background, you’ll be focusing on your subject, i.e. you. That’s what we really want to see in a selfie.

Another tip is to work on lighting. Natural lighting is key for a good selfie. That’s great news…especially for those of us who just about go blind every time a flash is fired in our eyes.

You can also try holding your camera above yourself instead of straight on. This will give an interesting angle to the finished product.

And, of course, there are even selfie sticks that can extend further than your arm can and get a lot more into a selfie shot. These might be a bit cumbersome to carry around sometimes (and many popular tourist attractions have banned them, but you can get some really good shots while using them.

Good selfies are an art and art deserves to be rewarded. This is something that Monoreto wants to see happen in launching a social media network where users are paid for the likes that they get. To find out more about this project, go to

Sources: Improve Photography, Allure, Seventeen, Mashable