How to Flirt on Social Media

in #monoreto6 years ago

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Social media can be used for a countless number of reasons ranging from keeping in touch with old friends to making new ones. Flirting is an age-old way for people to communicate with each other and the digital world is no exception. Just as in real life, there are ways to do it effectively and ways that aren’t likely to get you good results.

If you come on too strong with online flirting, chances are that you will come across as a creep and/or stalker. No one wants that label, especially if that person is just genuinely trying to reach out to someone that he or she likes. Some tips include keeping your photos up to date, thinking before you post, not going crazy with likes, watching for return communication, and being ready to take things offline. It all sounds so simple and straightforward, but the truth is that the digital world serves as a sort of crutch that often allows us to come up with distorted perceptions of reality.

Searching social media is also a way to do some research on the person that you like. Keeping that in mind, you might want to check and see what you have publicly liked and posted over the years so some lawyer who is crushing on you doesn’t find out about that time you said that lawyers were dumb. Go check your history. You’d be surprised what silly stuff you can find there.

When flirting online, you want to keep things fun and not let them go too fast. Flirting requires you to use your brain to read the given social situation. The thing with doing it online is that you can’t read so much of the body language and voice tones that tend to make things so much clearer in real life.

At the end of the day, it’s typically safe to say that going and liking every picture your crush has ever posted online isn’t a good way to get her attention. In fact, over-liking is one of the most annoying things about social media today.

Monoreto is a new network that wants to change the way we like things online. It has come up with a system of paid likes that makes likes really mean something. Imagine being able to earn revenue from the content that you post on social media. This is what Monoreto wants to make a reality. To find out more about this project, head over to

Sources: D’Marge, Cosmopolitan, Ask Men