Ravens Child 🐦 This is my entry for the #monomad challenge

Rainy day raven dark skies ahead.

It's time to be fed.

A curled up autumn leaf looks
like a cigarette butt, but it's not.

Raven's Child
John Denver song

#monomad hosted @monochromes
by @brumest

#featheredfriday by @melinda010100
Feathered Friday
More information can be
found here • French Flamingos!
Everyone's #featheredfriday
postings in order.
Link scrolls back many feathers ago.


Photos & words by @shasta Oct 17th 2019 4:04 PM O'rock Alaska
#featheredfriday #photostreem #photofeed #phototalent #oc #palnet #creativecoin #neoxian #photography
Great shots! !tip
Thank you so much @bethvalverde! :-)
🎁 Hi @shasta! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @bethvalverde!
@bethvalverde wrote lately about: My Actifit Report Card: October 14 2019 Feel free to follow @bethvalverde if you like it :)
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Thank you very much @bethvalverde! @tipu! :-)
Thank you so much @phototalent! :-)
I love it! Wonderful photo! I hope that wet pavement is water and not ice yet! !Tip
Thank you very much @melinda010100! :-)
It was raining and almost dark out, came out a
natural looking black and white lol
🎁 Hi @shasta! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @melinda010100!
@melinda010100 wrote lately about: French Flamingos For Feathered Friday Feel free to follow @melinda010100 if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
Thank you so much @melinda010100! @tipu! :-)
Nice! Raven's are awesome birds to begin, and they're absolutely one of the best photo subjects for autumn and in black and white.
Thank you and nice to meet you @wwwiebe!
We see quite a few ravens year round here, especially
autumn and winter. Very enjoyable birds to watch! :-)
Nice to meet you too! :)
My back yard will be filled with Raven's by the end of January as they apparently seem to think my yard is some sort of food source. And then the dog runs back there and puts an end to those shenanigans, which is also funny to watch. The dog just loses her mind.
lol I can just picture your dog with the ravens and would
love to see photos of that and so would @melinda010100!
We both like ravens and dogs! :-)
@shasta That would be fun to see! Especially a back yard full of Ravens!
Excellent raven in black & white!
Thank you so much @keithboone! :-)