Monomad: Frilly Fungi Dress
This fall when Hubby was getting the firewood ready for winter, he showed me this piece of wood from the old apple tree. It was unusual looking ~ covered with small shaped fungi growing completely around the bark. This fungi/fungus reminded me of a frilly dress.
Another piece of wood from the same branch. Both wood pieces have what looks like a smaller version of the turkey tail fungi around them.
Fungi is a great fire starter and this apple wood would be great for burning but Hubby put it aside to see how the fungi will look in the springtime.
Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada

Oh wow, that is absolutely amazing! How many photos did you take? Those pieces of wood should be preserved! :-) Love love the layers that the fungi forming!!!
Thanks Icy. The piece of wood is still outside. I’ll see what it looks like in the spring.
Love that. ♥♥♥
The most amazing art crated by Nature. ♥♥♥
Thanks @maria444. 😊