The Global Community Is Unhappy With The Current Monetary System,Change Is Coming:Claudio Grass

in #money7 years ago

Claudio Grass represents the Precious Metal Advisory Switzerland, you can view his site at


Thanks again, Dave. Thank You, Dave, for bringing Claudio Grass into the X22Report Spotlight. Thank You, Claudio Grass.

I have boycotted Alphabet and would love to see your content here using D-Tube... THX!

I worked on this theory that if the central BANKSTERS did run into aliens from another planet . And sequestered them , and stole all of their technologies . That they might have CONNED the BANKSTERS into believing that the internet and social media’s would be a great thing . When in fact it was a bit of a Trojan horse . LOL 😆 Just maybe the CONS got CONNED . Because I don’t think anything hurt them more then social media’s . They have just been a disaster for these DEMONS . And I’m also betting they’re looking for ways to completely disable it . So I would still proceed with caution . They have the nukes , and really it wouldn’t take a very large nuke blown over any major city to create a total collapse of society due to the very detrimental affects of an EMP blast . They don’t care about us , and when we become a problem to them , and not profit then you can get the picture of what I’m saying . Thanks again for another very interesting guest 👏👍✌️♥️👊🏻

Dave, (I hope you don't mind my familiarity I watch all of your videos) you should check out our tag #informationwar... It might enhance your viewership on here. We also have a meeting on Sat's 2PM (Central) on our Discord channel, feel free to drop by.

For me Money was an invention that was a logical progression to remove some of the obvious limitations of the barter system. Labor always was at a disadvantage in a barter transaction with an asset or objects, like a pig or a bag of tomatoes. Labor could not be reversed.
The co opting of the monetary systems over the centuries by the elites is certainly coming to an end, and crypto is a huge catalyst for this.

What if the economy was sectored out and decentralized and then was traded out using the free market principle where each sector has their own blockchain. Energy, food production/service, holistic health care, entertainment, anything pertinent and necessary for a well oiled society. It would be a peer to peer currency and work sector by sector. Everyone would be paid in the crypto that they work in and then use a blockchain marketplace to trade for what they needed.

and value would move between each "sector" blockchain using atomic swaps in wallets.
I like your thinking.
It would only work as we imagine if it evolved into this rather than being mandated to be so

I think we are somewhat already moving into this direction with some of the more serious alt coin projects out there with seemingly lofty ambitions, but still focusing on economic sectors.

One sector I think that I have not yet heard much about that is ripe for disruption is insurance
A peer to peer community insurance system would definitely attract attention. Slippery part is verifying fraud fairly.

It would be a production/value based economic system. It would allow for accumulation without debt and could be structured in a way for a man/woman to be rewarded based on their own productivity