The Entity Controlling The Economic System Is Much Larger Than The Fed:Rob Kirby

in #money7 years ago

Rob Kirby is the owner and creator of Kirby Analytics, the interview opens with a discussion of globalism.

The discussion continues with the explanation of how gold and silver are suppressed and how cryptos are fast becoming the next currency, the Rob explains that globalism is being dismantled but it is not yet gone. Rob then talks about who is really in control and it is not the Fed. The group that controls the ESF is controlling the country and the world going all the way back to the 1930 when the ESF was first established.


The shareholders of the F'ed Reserve are the world elite, which is shorthand for what I really call them, inbred rich cocksuckers (pardon my French) that crave world domination... They can have a bad day and ruin a nation's economy, or finance both sides of a conflict that could have been settled diplomatically just for SPORT! Kinda like the Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd movie, Trading Places but a million times more sinister, with higher stakes!

Wait JP Morgan got into the natural gas market and collapsed it. They got into the silver market and collapsed it. Don't they have a patent for cryptocurrency? Which market will they collapse next? And you recently covered Goldman Sachs creating SETLcoin. The phrase "competition is a sin" comes to mind. I don't think the big banks like competitors.

I've always wondered though if the intention is to force many into crypto's and keep metals cheap to be bought up and hoarded by the manipulators until there are no more to be had.

How does the "Plunge Protection Team" (PPT, which is a nickname given to the Working Group on Financial Markets) relate to the ESF?

Yes, I was asking myself the same question.

Once again, Obama should be tried as well as many politicians that have created a very dangerous and chaotic country, undermining the welfare of the American citizens to push what they believe we need instead of what we the people say we want.
Another case of we know what's better for you than you know.
But the real development is the one where they have manipulated the minds of so many and are in control of their minds, and these people don't even realize it.

Thank you for these EXCELLENT Spotlight interviews. This week's and last week's reports just blew me away! I wish I could upvote you 100 times!!!

Does any one notice that the video from X22 Reports seem to stop and buffer during the playback??? I watch all kinds of video on YouTube as well as Netflix and other streaming services and I NEVER seem to have a problem. Only this channel, only these reports.

Perhaps you are making enemies in all the right places????

They all want way to further control for god sake leave something to the people... Great post tho