Pullback in Silver means only one thing...

in #money7 years ago

Buy, Buy, Buy, or maybe a few more things, trade, acquire, negotiate, any legal way that you can get your hands on some, keep stacking! With the current trends with the Federal Reserve being involved in propping up the fake markets and thus the economy, one should do very well in the long term by collecting the worlds most undervalued asset.

I was looking at the charts over the past year. Do you realize that the price right now is at a near low compared to the cost over the past year? As of this writing, spot is right about the 16.58 mark up a bit probably since gold was up slightly. The actual ratio over the past year has gone up as well and now sits at roughly 75.5 to 1. In March of 2016 the ratio actually was slightly over 80:1, prior to that, November 2008 at about the same rate. In 1792 the gold to silver ratio was actually set by law in the US at 15:1. Obviously something happened! Could it be that the nefarious banking institution saw another opportunity to make themselves wealthier? Probably.
The point I'm making is that history has a way of repeating itself eventually. The opportunities abound at this point in history to get as much as you can at these spot prices and hold, hold, hold. One of my favorite coins recently has been the newly minted Silver Krugerrand. True, it has a hefty premium, however for something special, it IS a beautiful coin. I prefer sovereign coins myself, because at theses prices you can't afford NOT to buy them. As prices increase and resources scarce, then one may want to buy some nice generic rounds and of course always keeping in mind some 90% coins and sterling as well. There's such a variety of silvery goodness out there, how can you go wrong?

I like to think that every ounce I take possession of, I'm tightening the noose around fiat backed by air. Of course it does cause me pause to wonder why JP Morgan has tons of the stuff in hiding, hmmm. And finally, please remember that silver is not only a monetary metal, but also industrial. The more industrial uses, the more waste, the more rare, and the greater the value. Think of all the sports clothing that gets thrown out.

Stack on my friends and I will too!


Love that Silver Krugerand. Wish I knew where to get a hold of one. Got a nice tip from the Lowes cashier yesterday, she gave me a 1964 quarter with my change! By the way 100% with you on Buy buy buy when AG is on sale which it has been. I don't think it will be too long before the potential energy in AG turns kinetic. Good post.

Try looking at Providentmetals.com You'll need to search for krugerand and you'll find it. Current price is $49.16, a little pricey, but considering what it is, eh... if you purchase over $100, Provident will ship free. They've always been fair with me and I like the fact that their own rounds are made from recycled silver. Let me know if you get one, I haven't made that purchase yet but it might be one of those for the future.

Thank you WilSilver. I just looked and they still have them. Got me a couple. Thanks again.

wil silver, I gave you a shout out during my last pod cast. I just received the silver krugerand from provident; it's beautiful. Thanks again for the info.

You might have a point here.

I got too much silver i dont know what to do with it. I bought in at around 20, already lost 4buck, have to hold on for the ride, damn jp morgan chase.