RE: Why Gold And Especially Silver Are The Most Undervalued Assets On Earth. By Gregory Mannarino
I have been reading the Good Book for a few years now and I find that everything is going just as it said it would be. The bible says that there are a few moving parts to the new world order. The financial side, the religious side, and side of power. When Gorge H. Bush said we will have a New World Order no matter what stands in our way he was not kidding. The advancement that have been pushed on the people of the world are crazy fast to a cashless society with the introduction of the microchip to be embedded into the right hand or the forehead. Just like the Bible said it would be. I read Mr.Gregory Mannarino's of how this monster correction of the market would change the way people do business. Rothschild Illuminati said that he could make and control the money of the world he would not care who made the laws; and that is exactly how they will control the population. Today we the people of the US. have not been able to audit the Federal Reserve because ??? they are above the law. The religious pope is uniting the world through the catholic church just like the bible says. The question that is been asked even from the same catholic church is what is wrong with this pope. He stands for the church but the word that come out of him are the opposite of what the bible says we should do. For example the bible says that to inherit heave we are to believe in our lord and savoir Jesus Christ for it is not by our selves that we are saved but by Grace of GOD and faith in Jesus Christ so no one would boast. The pope on the other hand said having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is dangerous. GOD have mercy on his soul.
Acts 4:12 King James Version (KJV)
12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.