Money Is The Root Of All EVIL

in #money6 years ago


In actuality, LACK of money is the root of all evil not the presence of money. Every day we hear something negative about money from people. But in actuality it is not the money it is the people who are the root of all evil. They are the ones who use the money to create evil. My mother told me something a long time ago, right in the beginning of my career when i had just started making money in my career, she said that money is like that stone a Goldsmith has, called KUNDAN, he keeps with him to test if the metal being presented to him is Gold or not. He takes that metal, rubs it against the stone and within seconds it is revealed if the metal is gold. Money is that KUNDAN and the moment we are rubbed against it, our TRUE character comes out in public, out in the open. If you were a person of no Zero tolerance, and you made money, you will show your true colors, whatever those colors may be.

People who put money down all the time on one hand and leave their home every morning on the other with big dreams to attain it, are like people who damp the wood with water first and then try all day to light it. There is a huge difference between being in love with money and recognizing the value and importance of money in your life. If you are in love with money, you will be in awe of money, and if you are in awe of money, you will become impressed by money and the first person you meet with money will be YOUR MASTER. That is the reason people who are in AWE of money, power and success are the people who turn out to be Butt Kissers.

Because it is much easier to please a person with money, for them, then to rise against the odds and make it themselves. Never bad mouth something that you need in life. If you need success, then never judge another successful person. If you need honesty, never be dishonest. If you need simplicity, do not accompany people with worldly complications. Whatever you need, you also need to want it and value it before you have it. On the other hand, instead of talking bad about money, spend time preparing yourself for being Rich and humble. Prepare yourself for being powerful and down to earth and never using that power. Be ready for being famous but always available to the ones who made you famous instead of acting that you are better than them. In actuality they are better than you because it was them that you were dependent upon, not them on you, to make you famous.

Another silly myth i hear all the time about money is that, its just a piece of paper. Well, yes it is. But its a piece of paper you will never throw in the dustbin. So why have so many beliefs of intolerance in your head. Keep your heart and brain cleansed of all such thoughts. You can not believe something to be bad for half of your day and the other half of the day try your best to acquire it.

Positivity, enthusiasm, passion are three things that are more powerful than money. Let me explain how. If you get money, you can never buy or get genuine positive, enthusiasm or passion. But if you have genuine positivity, Enthusiasm and Passion, there are huge chances that you will get money. So concentrate on developing these three qualities in you which will attract money in abundance for you.

I see so many people in the world with absolute intolerance in their heart and brain. They say one thing. Believe another. Want the same at some time and hate it publicly at other times. You can not live a life of confusion and expect your sub conscious mind to act rational. Your sub conscious mind will only create what your overwhelming thoughts are. If you believe money is evil most of the time, you WILL turn out to be an EVIL PERSON if by some stroke of luck, you make some money.

Image source pixaby