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RE: Washington Prepares For EMP While Internet Under Attack Since Transfer to the UN
In due time, sir. Sheep are notorious for not knowing how to address those who do them harm and live in foreign countries.
I suppose we will see. But at this point I see nothing. If he scammed that many people out of that much money, there would be a paper trail of law suits. "Sheep" just don't go away quietly. People go after people who rob them. That's why it's hard to believe, I haven't seen one court document, or legal case name versus Jeff Berwick related to these supposed scams. We see tons of legal documents against others from GG. Shit, not only would I use legal action to try to recoup my stolen funds, my ass would be at Anarchapoco and the city Acapulco where he's very visible, taking back what's mine. You don't see that. Have there been reports of any of these alleged victims showing up in his city or to his conference, or to any of the other places he has publicly spoken? No, I don't think I've read anything like that, and when you are public like he is, that's exactly what people would do. Seems like such a smear campaign with no real substance besides bashing him for some bad business and/or some of his personal demons he deals with, that anyone has the risk of dealing with. I just think it's irresponsible to throw such accusations around without very much substance. And I'm no psychic, and I'm no reporter. I don't know all the details, I don't know these people, I don't know Stellabelle, I don't know Jeff Berwick. What I do know is I don't see much evidence, and it appears that if you don't have much hard evidence from these people, it's not very wise to just throw and slander someone's name on such emotion-driven content. Everyone feels bad for people who have been scammed, it's a huge ugly part of the crypto space, and there is risk in all investing. However, I keep seeing these downvote posts and if you are right, I see why you do it. But if you are wrong, you could have just killed your Steemit career. You are risking your reputation on Steemit based on hear-say and interviews with people who appear to be so freaking dumb that not only do they get scammed, they don't even do anything other than whine on the internet, better yet try to legally recoup losses, press criminal charges, or go straight up gangsta and track him down and take back their money. The whole thing just seems odd to me. Just my 2 cents.
Wow, look at the sympathy for the victims of fraud, calling them "sheep." I thought you were posing as a crusader for the downtrodden. Exactly what's you shtick? Why do you attack one alleged con man, while you advise and encourage the demonstrable criminal, who stole 10 times what grifter Johnson claims Berwick stole.
Johnson documented theft: $10.45 million
Berwick alleged theft: $1 million