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RE: Washington Prepares For EMP While Internet Under Attack Since Transfer to the UN

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Firstly, I am exercising my right to free speech.
The reason I am flagging: I cannot in good conscience support someone who has active scam operations in place. I did not have a full grasp of the number of victims who have suffered economic losses due to the fraudulent scams of Mr. Berwick until fairly recently. If this was only Doom Porn Infomercials, I would not be flagging it. I would simply ignore it like i have done for 2 months.

The fact is, giving money via upvotes and supporting this scam artist is unconscionable and it goes against the principles of Steemit as set forth in Dan's voluminous writing..... "Do unto others as you would like done unto you." I am doing exactly that by warning people not to invest money into TDV operations or take any investment advice from a confirmed conman.
The cult of personality is alive and well in here and it's spreading like a disease.
Do your own research before you make a decision to invest money with Mr. Berwick:


You are my hero :) Upvoted!

I love how @dollarvigilante flags this post but has still not addressed the accusations or provided the information he promised. He just continues to post and post while @crok, @wildchild, @sethlinson, @l0k1, @ct-gurus, @michaelx, @mrhankeh, @loli, @steve-walschot, @tracemayer, @hopefoundation, @inarix03, @dhrms, @toddemaher1, @dropahead, @pairmike, @snowden do his dirty work and drink the koolaid. Bravo everyone!

@stellabelle, your right to "free speech" in the U.S. applies to criticism of the government and political structures without fear of retaliation or imprisonment... it doesn't apply to private individuals. Saying things about others that may be proven untrue could open you up to potential defamation, liable and slander actions. your disclaimer of "right to free speech" does not protect you. Please do your research on your actual rights and freedoms as granted by the governing documents of your country.


It's not defamation or libel when it's true. I'm a firsthand witness and am always available to testify as such. Your blind support for this fraudster is pathetic.

How come Wendy McElroy, unlike you an actual investor who lost money, does not share your opinion in her TheDailyBell article about the situation?

That article is quite outdated, and includes quite a few false statements, since it was part of the 2014 launch of Berwick's and Kirley's pre-planned smear and fear campaign.

Wendy McElroy is not an "investor" of Galt's Gulch Chile. Wendy McElroy left the GGC "rescue" team shortly after she was asked to be a part of it by Berwick. I can't speak for her, but it seems that she left it due to the hidden intentions of those on the "rescue" team, in order to force their motives onto GGC, and to use the state in doing so. There are plenty of emails between Wendy and myself outlining her complete disdain for two of the "rescuers", Catharine Cuthbert and Thomas Baker (corrupt military cop). These will be shared shortly as well.

I put "rescue" in quotations, because they represented themselves under this false monicker, as if they were "rescuing" GGC, but in reality, as shown by extensive evidence, their sole intent was to destroy GGC, loot its assets, and then attempt to purchase it for little, or no, money. A hostile takeover, of which Wendy McElroy unfortunately is/was a part of because of her involvement in the launch of their smea campaign against me, and subsequently GGC.

As mentioned, Wendy is not an "investor" of the GGC project. Wendy has a promise agreement for a future parcel of land in the GGC project. She does not have a contract for investment into, or for ownership in, the GGC project, as the remaining members of the "rescue" team still represent to this day. It is just one of many lies propagated on false blogs, fake aliases, fake email accounts, etc., by these people. If Wendy loses any money, it will be at the hands of Berwick, and the "rescue" team, which we will be outlining for the courts in Chile this and next year. I am at GGC repairing all that the "rescuers", and Berwick, looted, stole or destroyed. They are hiding behind aliases online, fake blogs, etc., in order to try and maintain their false narrative.

Wendy's article outlines her salesperson, whom is/was Ken Carpenter. Carpenter is known to have been working with the Chilean swindler, Mario Del Real, whom Berwick, and the "rescue" team were aligned with in early 2014. Wendy outlined this, in detail, in emails to myself and others in the GGC project, clearly showing that the "rescuers" were indeed in cahoots with Mario Del Real. Wendy then attempted to reverse her comments, after Kirley, and presumably Berwick, confronted her about them. We have evidence and testimonies about Carpenter's clear alliance with Del Real, and Carpenter's clear alliance with Kirley. Carpenter was a bus boy in a restaurant in Santiago, and reader of the TDV blog of course, at the age of 43, when I offered him an admin position with GGC. He then persuaded me to hire a list of his, or Berwick's, friends, whom I refer to as the TDV misfits, in 2013 and 2014. They all turned out to be quite incompetent at what they promised to be their professions or skill sets. Carpenter is well aware that the GGC project was working diligently to complete mapping on the project, as Berwick, and others, were plotting their hostile takeover attempt and smear campaign, which mirrors those of Berwick and Chris Serin in the mining industry, which also included public slander, libel, press releases outlining their false narratives against the majority shareholder and management, inciting fear (Berwick's profession) amongst "investors", etc.

It is truly amazing how this con man Johnson can string together so many lies in one ungrammatical and nonsensical post. To quickly set the record straight, in order:

  1. McElroy's article has errors, but was written before we had access to documents and enough eye witness accounts to understand how the con man Ken Johnson, posting here as galtsgulch, ran his affinity fraud.

  2. There was no "pre-planned smear and fear campaign." There were two articles and one press release. Our goal was to go public with Johnson's fraud so that he couldn't defraud anyone else.

  3. McElroy left the GGC Recovery Team after a misunderstanding. This had nothing to do with our motives or using the state for restitution. We reached out to her to reconcile and she refused.

  4. The GGC Recovery Team's goals have been to organize as many investors as possible in legal efforts to either gain control of the real estate to move forward with the project, or sell assets for monetary restitution. We did not "destroy GGC." In fact, GGC is a figment of con man Johnson's imagination. When the investors went public with Johnson's perfidy, there had been no substantive progress in developing the properties for a residential community or for running a successful farming operation. Johnson did little more than defraud investors and piss away our money.

  5. There was no hostile takeover. Two members of the Recovery Team went to the farm to meet with Johnson to negotiate his severance. Johnson was so afraid of them that he hid in the bushes--I kid you not--and then voluntarily abandoned the farm. We had to take over the farm operations to protect its value.

  6. We have never said that McElroy is an investor in the GGC project. This is totally made up out of whole cloth, and also totally irrelevant. She has already lost her money due to the fraud perpetrated by the grifter, Johnson.

  7. We have no evidence that Carpenter worked with the Chilean swindler and Johnson's partner, Mario Del Real. The Recovery Team has never been "aligned"--whatever that means--with Del Real. Del Real has stolen our money and derailed the project. He has consistently worked with Johnson to thwart all our efforts. Del Real has attempted to extort us investors on four separate occasions. To even suggest that we are "aligned" with this creep is laughable.

  8. Johnson tries to make Carpenter's involvement with the Recovery Team seem secretive or clandestine. In fact, he was our employee, supervising the farm, which was immediately disclosed to all the investors. No secret there.

  9. Carpenter was never a bus boy. He was and is a professional chef.

  10. Johnson hired a string of people who had absolutely no experience in real estate sales or real estate development, many of whom were referred to GGC through Berwick's TDV. Typically, they would work only two to three months at GGC because Johnson was so awful. See our blog post: There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is that he wouldn't pay his employees on time. Almost all of them were stiffed to one degree or another. Two former employees are owed $8,000 each, another $10,000. Why do you suppose Johnson didn't hire experienced people? Because people with relevant experience would see through his con immediately.

  11. "The GGC project" wasn't working diligently at anything except fraud. There's plenty of plausible deniability, but that's about it.

  12. This "hostile takeover" accusation is another total fabrication. Rather than being guilty of a smear campaign, if Berwick is guilty of anything, it's not going public as soon as he realized that Johnson was a swindler. Sadly, Berwick was implored by some of the investors to remain silent.

  13. The truth is not libel.

  14. Berwick has nothing to do with the GGC Recovery Team's press releases. He's not part of the Recovery Team, but he has financially supported the litigation in Chile.

Wow, every sentence is a lie, one way or another. And amazingly, this lying, thieving grifter has 26 followers on steemit. Hmm. Are you duped by this mendacious monkey with a keyboard, or are you amused by his drunken screeds?

For the real story about the Galt's Gulch Chile Affinity Fraud, go to our webpage at

Thanks for bringing some sanity to this witchhunt by Mrs. Witch herself...

You don't know anything about what happened or who is accusing. The person accusing defrauded myself and dozens of investors out of $10 million and is currently in court (already lost twice) in Chile. If you want to look him up look here: He actually set-up the very operation he is accusing me of doing btw. He is attempting to slander me in the hopes that it will help him in court in Chile. It won't. Just look at my last 25 years of business history... or don't, I don't care.

The ones providing information have nothing to do with your ex-business partner.

…and to clarify who the "investors" of GGC are, this is another one of a long list of lies that Berwick, Josh Kirley, etc. concocted in order to propagate the misconception that all clients of GGC are investors in the project itself, sort of like putting money down on a Ford truck and then claiming that you are an investor in the Ford Motor Company, and demanding access to board meetings, profit sharing, etc. There are five original Founders of GGC, including myself and the four original investors. Kirley is not an investor. You are not an investor. Serin is not an investor. Your close colleague, and fellow controlled opposition agent, EJ Lashlee, whom was convicted by the US Dept of Justice for his involvement in an $80,000,000 Ponzi scheme , is not an investor. Lashlee helps you collect information on those who go to Anarchapulco and sign up for your newsletter and send you money for your other scams. You sell their private information, and lives, for your own profit.

It's all a farce Berwick and that will soon all be shared in Chile, and publicly on the Internet for those who care to see, which I presume may not include those who pander right alongside you in your conference that you paid for with money that you stole from your Mexico passport victims. Did you refund the $300,000 USD that you clearly outline in the video of you that you stole from "Magby", and the Dubai residency firm (who made the tape) that you squandered and funded Anarchapulco with?

As you know, that video was taped in February of 2015, just days before Anarchapulco 2015. while at that immediate time, and in the video, you clearly admit that you spent their money, and that you could not pay them back. Hmmm. Where could their money have gone? To your hooker wife, so she could get more plastic surgery? To your other 'wives' at the whorehouses and strip clubs in Acapulco? Into other bank accounts, or Bitcoin, that you squirrel away from your victims, to then claim to be broke, and some sort of victim alongside you actual passport victims? Just as you are trying to do with GGC as well. You aren't a victim Berwick, even though your addict mentality dictates that you must be every day of your life. You did not put money into GGC. You created many millions in damages to GGC in 2013, which is outlined in many emails amongst myself and our other founders. They know what you and Serin did to GGC in 2013, as do I, and others. As do you. You are a liar, thief and conman. You will be taken down by those not too happy with your complete disregard for your victims and the laws of their countries.

Did you refund the money that you stole from the other 80-100 clients that you wrote about to another potential passport victim in May of 2015? As you laid on all of your smooth sales tactics, in order to get this potential victim to wire you $80,000, you clearly knew that the program was not viable and was not legal. You clearly knew that your scam could destroy other people's lives, but you did not care. You clearly knew that you never provided these miraculous Mexico passports for your other victims, or "clients" as you call them…yet, you were still lying to more potential victims to get money out of them. This is all coming out, in your own words, in the next few days. In this instance that I speak of, as mentioned, you were trying to get your hands on $80,000 USD from this new potential Mexico passport victim of yours…months after the video was taken of you. This potential victim fortunately did not give their money to you, and then provided me, and others, including the feds currently tracking you, the emails that you sent to them in order to help stop you from defrauding others. Those who go to your conference ARE being tracked. Those who give you money ARE being investigated. You planned this for them. You sold them out. You are a piece of shit Berwick. Those who up vote your shit on here ARE being tracked…and quite possibly already were, if they went to Anarchapulco already.

I helped those whom you fucked over in Paraguay, which was ruled to be a legal program…though you took these people's money, and then never helped them, or refunded their money when they wanted refunds. Or, do you have refund receipts from these victims too? If so, please provide it.

Prior to your hostile takeover attempt of GGC, and countless false aliases, websites, blogs, etc., that slander me, GGC paid refunds to clients when appropriate, with one such refund being close to $200,000 USD. GGC was never a scam. It was simply a target of profit and hostile possession by you, Josh Kirley and your slimy mining industry cohort, Chris Serin.

Chris Serin tried to carry out the same type of thing, in a very public manner, against Euromax in 2010, which anyone can Google and find a long list of items that Serin, and presumably you (since you are mentioned in the documents), carried out against the CEO, and also against the majority shareholder of Euromax, in a very similar manner that, you , Serin and Kirley, did with GGC. The CEO and also the majority shareholder of Euromax were upstanding people, and did not commit the crimes that Serin, and you, accused them of. The same goes for GGC. You guys leech onto things that others create, and then try to claim ownership of such things. I'll release information on all three of you doing so in various projects and companies. It is a pattern of theft and lies, that is quite clear.

The truth will hopefully win in Chile, and you will be taken down by those investigating you and tracking all of your clients at the moment. Many people wonder if you are either a completely lost addict and conman, or you are controlled opposition (selling client/victim information to the highest bidder). From what I have seen up close of you, you are both.

You sound like a professional character assassin. Compared to you, Stellabelle is a rank amateur.


"Character assassination" or speaking the truth? You decide anonymous one...

Links to Chris Serin's hostile takeover attempt of Euromax in 2010. He publicly slandered the honest parties of the company, whom of course owned what Serin and Berwick wanted…shares in the company, and control of the money. Serin resigned a short while later, and all false accusations against the honest parties of Euromax were dismissed. Again, "character assassination" or truth?

A quote from an analyst about Serin in one article: "The nigger in the woodpile, if that is not a politically incorrect phrase nowadays, appeared to be the finance director Christopher Serin who had been instrumental in chucking John Menzies, chairman and chief executive, off the board. John Did not appear to an outsider to have done a bad job and towards the end of 2009 he had put together a merger with Silk Road Resources and then sold a property in China which put $13.5 million in the Euromax kitty. Earlier this year Mr. Serin appointed himself as interim chief executive and then proceeded to have a bitter battle with a major shareholder, Anthony Patriarco, who had been a director from June 2009 to March 2010. Serin accused Patriarco, among other things, of insider trading and thus gained a very bad enemy." "Serin is out and Mark Gustafson, a leading dissident along with Anthony Patriarco, is chief executive."

Criminal convictions of Berwick's fellow controlled opposition in Acapulco, EJ Lashlee. Lashlee appears to have cut a deal to save himself from many years, or life, in prison. Enjoy the "peace, love and privacy" at Anarchapulco…

I'll post Berwick's own email in a minute, where he outlines what I just wrote about. We'll let those who read this decide if, again, simply telling the truth is indeed "professional character assassination."

So much lying nonsense, so little time. Just to correct a small part of the swindler, Johnson's idiocy...

We do NOT say that all the people who foolishly threw money away on con man Johnson's GGC affinity fraud are equity investors in the project. We have said that there were different classes of investors in GGC:

  1. equity investors in Inmobiliaria Galt's Gulch,
  2. equity investors in Agricola y Comercial Galt's Gulch (notice he doesn't mention them),
  3. "second round founders" who loaned money to Inmobiliaria GG,
  4. people who loaned money to Agricola.

All of these people are investors in the GGC project, either as equity or note investors, whether this liar will admit it or not. These people put up the vast majority of the $10.05 million that was supposed to go to developing a real estate project.

And you might wonder how much money Johnson paid into GGC to be called an investor. $ZERO. Not. One. Thin. Dime. He took sole ownership and control through fraud.

Ken Johnson's Galt's Gulch Chile Affinity Fraud: When Is a Partner Not a Partner?
Ken Johnson's Galt's Gulch Chile: In the Beginning There Was Fraud
Ken Johnson's Galt's Gulch Chile Affinity Fraud: Who Owns How Many Shares and What Did They Pay?

The rest of the people put money down to reserve a residential lot. Most people refer to those who buy real estate as real estate investors. We are well aware that these buyers don't have an investment in the GGC project and we never said they did. Nevertheless, it is standard practice to refer to such people as investors and we do.

And about the Paraguay passport scam, TDV passports sent Johnson $150k for passport processing just before the illegal operative in Paraguay was raided. Instead of returning that money so that Berwick could refund his clients, Johnson pocketed it. Johnson is the one who left the clients high and dry. For more on swindler Johnson's passport scam, see our blog post: The Cantwell Interview: Johnson Cornered

Berwick never made a "hostile takeover attempt" on GGC. No one did. Total fabrication.

Johnson refunded two people but left 73 people owed $10.05 million by GGC and stole another 400k in related scams. One investor Johnson only refunded after the guy threatened to go to the GGC marketing event at the farm and out him there as a fraud to everyone attending unless he paid back the investor's money. Is that supposed to show virtue????

Jeff, if you're in fact the victim yourself ... the least you could do is to write a bunch of posts about it and donate the money to the victims; that would make your claims a whole lot more believable

See my replies below, with links to Berwick's fellow controlled opposition, EJ Lashlee, Chris Serin, etc…and then also Berwick's own emails outlining that he processed 80-100 clients via his Mexico passport scam in 2013, 2014 and 2015. In the video posted at: Berwick clearly outlines that his Mexico scam is indeed a scam, with information about shady immigration people, his wife's connections, massive amounts of his victim's money that he squandered, etc. This video was filmed in February of 2015, just days before Anarchapulco 2015. Nearly 6 months passed, and Berwick was STILL soliciting funds for this Mexico passport scam, which is outlined in his own emails in July 2015, while he had full and complete knowledge that he was not providing anything to his victims for their money. Nothing. If he was, it most assuredly was something that could create grave problems for his victims. This is about to get very real for Berwick. Those who plan to attend any of his conferences, should strongly consider never doing so. I can assure you, and them, that it will create significant problems. Cheers.

you need to make your own posts with hard evidence ... as long you make a lot of really long comments, while claiming you have no time to make your own posts ... very unbelievable!

Here is one, of the many, victims that Berwick stole money from . Berwick funded Anarchapulco with the money that he stole from his Mexico passport victims. Berwick is a thief and a conman…and criminal…with many many victims.

I'm not asking anonymous characters on a website to "trust me". If you can't read Berwick's own emails, watch him in his own words, and review the objective information that outlines his fraud, theft and crimes, then does it matter who you claim to trust?

Berwick thrives on "trust" of people whom have never met him, because his false online persona relies on it, just as the lies about me and GGC do as well. Truth is all that matters. Popularity, or trust in people whom you will never meet in your life…in reality...not so much.

Berwick, you are a complete conman. Your own emails and communications will be posted shortly. You took millions of dollars from victims in your passport scams, and screwed me out of hundreds of thousands of dollars for payments due to me on the legit programs that I set up at TDV, in St Kitts, etc. I have helped those whose money you took for Paraguay citizenship to move past your theft and complete their processes there. You and Chris Martin ignored them, after you spent all of their money.

I don't need to expose a drunken addict like you, who funds his addictions by defrauding others, in order to prove your further lies in Chile. I no longer work with attorneys whom your cohorts here can pay off. You never put a dime into GGC, nor did you refund your victims from all of their money that you stole from them, and spent on Anarchapulco, your swinger wife, your hookers, booze, drugs and whatever else addictions you now have. As always, you're welcome to bring your two-bit chump ass down to GGC and we'll address your lies face to face. Problem is, you wouldn't even be able to find it, since you never gave a shit about it…you just like calling yourself the "founder" of whatever it is you think is yours.

Here is one, of the many, victims that Berwick stole money from . Berwick funded Anarchapulco with the money that he stole from his Mexico passport victims. Berwick is a thief and a conman…and criminal…with many many victims.

I read the complaint. It appears to be anonymous. So. How reliable is it?

contact them yourself to find out the truth directly from a victim:

Again, where are the court documents and law suits? Nobody loses that much money and does not attempt to recover it. Anyone can make claims online. Anyone can take bad business deals and label them as scams. Still waiting on information that is factual and not emotional.

buying illegal/fake passport is not something you can take to court!

maybe you should drop the self righteous attitude ... as that's what got those other people fucked as well!

Where was TDV Passports marketed as fake or illegal passports. I don't have a self-righteous attitude. I don't even understand what that comment means. A self-righteous attitude is what got those other people fucked? We don't have to agree and you don't have to like what I say. If these people were scammed let's see the evidence. Nobody has shown any evidence. @luminousvisions do you have the evidence? Do you have the court case or law suit information. Show me where what he was selling was marketed as buying fake or illegal goods or services.... if what he was selling was illegal, it definitely not marketed as such, therefore they do have a right not only for their losses but for being tricked into participating in something illegal.

Plenty of people move to Mexico.

Here is one, of the many, victims that Berwick stole money from . Berwick funded Anarchapulco with the money that he stole from his Mexico passport victims. Berwick is a thief and a conman…and criminal…with many many victims.

research; confirmation bias and cognitive disssonance

@framelalife It is becoming more clear that you are here to defend Berwick, while you are criticising Berwick's victims for being "so freaking dumb" after they've publicly stated how much Berwick defrauded them out of, and have even posted their contact information for people to reach out to them…and for other victims to do so as well. Why is that?

New articles are going up that will have screen shots of emails, electronic messaging, contracts, transfers, videos, etc., that will outline Berwick's theft and fraud. It will be interesting to see who still tries defending him the, while quite possibly having a vested interest in seeing Berwick untarnished for his fraud, theft and lies.

You apparently didn't read my reply to the comment of yours above this reply. My two replies are below. Berwick's victims more than likely find themselves in a tough spot because they either knowingly, or unknowingly, attempted to purchase something from a conman, who knowingly was selling illegal public documents…passports, citizenship papers, etc. He also has done so with drivers licenses in Mexico. These victims quite possibly do not want to be found in trouble for something they may have thought was legitimate and legal, but others may accuse them of otherwise knowing was not. Who knows, but for you to call them "freaking dumb" steps into the realm, quite deeply, of what you are attempting to accuse those who are seeking to expose Berwick's crimes against others.

Berwick knows that his victims are in such a situation, which is why he pursues these types of scams. It reduces his chances of being caught, and jailed, as he should be. He is a professional conman.

As fas as Galt's Gulch, there are several clients who bought into (literally) Berwick's, Kirley's, etc. lies about myself and GGC, so that they will later be rewarded with ownership of GGC 's assets. It's not about being a victim, because GGC was completing the project. It more about greed and covering up a great deal of lies.

@galtsgulch I am not here to defend Jeff. I don't know him, I don't know if he did or didn't do these things, and if he did, then I agree that it's messed up. I'm not saying that people who get scammed are dumb. What I am saying is that if you get scammed, and your only response is to whine on the internet, that is dumb. Do something about it. Take legal action. Anyone can falsely smear anyone online. I only said that there is no hard proof and there's no guarantee that anything @stellabelle posted is true, and that she is risking her rep on here for hearsay. If you were ripped off by Jeff @galtsguch, show the proof. Internet messageboards posts are not proof. You running your mouth on Steemit is not proof.

I don't see anything illegal about selling passports or property for GG. If anyone was ripped off for either one of those things, they have the ability to file criminal charges.

I feel bad for anyone who's been scammed, and have repeatedly said that if he has scammed someone, then he deserves to be exposed. But that does not mean that people cannot smear people online. If you are going to come with some accusations, come with actual proof.

If the customer thought that the good or service was buying was legal, and did not know that the seller was selling illegal documents, you cannot hold the customer responsible for that and they still have a chance to take legal action.

And, please, do not make this about me or my opinions. It's not about me. It's about people on here making accusations against someone and not really providing much proof. And if it's true then it's about the people being scammed. Don't try taking what I said and twisting it. The intention was totally if you get ripped off and all you do is whine on the internet, that is dumb. If I were in their shoes, not only would I seek legal action, I'd be at Anarchulpoco looking to beat his ass and take back what's mine. I find it hard to believe that he ripped off that many people and that there's not one single court case against him for these accusations. I also find it hard to believe that as publicly visible as Jeff Berwick is, that if you ripped off that many people, that someone hasn't showed up with a video camera to his city or his conferences or any other public appearances. Because in the real world, you rip that many people off, you aren't in the public, you are fearful for your life.

@framelalife Fair enough. I misunderstood the entirety of your message. I do agree, people should offer evidence of their statements about others…especially when it comes to serious issues like this. I don't get on here too often, so I lose track of comments, and many times just rattle off responses, as I am in between other things. I didn't mean to divert the subject toward you, so my apologies if I worded my response in such a way. The part about his victims is what threw me a bit, but we all have our own ways of expressing our thoughts…and of course…our thoughts vary greatly. I'll be posting more soon, though not sure if it will be on Steemit. Berwick, and a guy named John Cobin, have a small group that flag any/all evidence that I post about Berwick's and Cobin's actions that they don't want to see the light of day on here. I'll give it a shot for a bit and see how it goes. Hopefully, Steemit can find another way to create truly open and honest communications, but if an orchestrated effort to flag, and remove, posts that offer information contrary to the flaggers opinions is allowed to happen, then it appears that Steemit will not be a great place for freedom of speech and open discussions. Cheers.

In due time, sir. Sheep are notorious for not knowing how to address those who do them harm and live in foreign countries.

I suppose we will see. But at this point I see nothing. If he scammed that many people out of that much money, there would be a paper trail of law suits. "Sheep" just don't go away quietly. People go after people who rob them. That's why it's hard to believe, I haven't seen one court document, or legal case name versus Jeff Berwick related to these supposed scams. We see tons of legal documents against others from GG. Shit, not only would I use legal action to try to recoup my stolen funds, my ass would be at Anarchapoco and the city Acapulco where he's very visible, taking back what's mine. You don't see that. Have there been reports of any of these alleged victims showing up in his city or to his conference, or to any of the other places he has publicly spoken? No, I don't think I've read anything like that, and when you are public like he is, that's exactly what people would do. Seems like such a smear campaign with no real substance besides bashing him for some bad business and/or some of his personal demons he deals with, that anyone has the risk of dealing with. I just think it's irresponsible to throw such accusations around without very much substance. And I'm no psychic, and I'm no reporter. I don't know all the details, I don't know these people, I don't know Stellabelle, I don't know Jeff Berwick. What I do know is I don't see much evidence, and it appears that if you don't have much hard evidence from these people, it's not very wise to just throw and slander someone's name on such emotion-driven content. Everyone feels bad for people who have been scammed, it's a huge ugly part of the crypto space, and there is risk in all investing. However, I keep seeing these downvote posts and if you are right, I see why you do it. But if you are wrong, you could have just killed your Steemit career. You are risking your reputation on Steemit based on hear-say and interviews with people who appear to be so freaking dumb that not only do they get scammed, they don't even do anything other than whine on the internet, better yet try to legally recoup losses, press criminal charges, or go straight up gangsta and track him down and take back their money. The whole thing just seems odd to me. Just my 2 cents.

Wow, look at the sympathy for the victims of fraud, calling them "sheep." I thought you were posing as a crusader for the downtrodden. Exactly what's you shtick? Why do you attack one alleged con man, while you advise and encourage the demonstrable criminal, who stole 10 times what grifter Johnson claims Berwick stole.

Johnson documented theft: $10.45 million
Berwick alleged theft: $1 million


"where are the court documents"

Isn't that the question Jeff is supposed to be answering? I mean he was the one that promised documents proving his innocence then failed to deliver and backed out of the promise.

At this point why not just post these documents already if they clear everything up and clear his name? Maybe such documents don't exist. Hmmmmmm.

Those pursuing him, whom I am in contact with, will do so via criminal proceedings, and Berwick's arrest, without any prior notice. This is how you will find out.

Here is one, of the many, victims that Berwick stole money from . Berwick funded Anarchapulco with the money that he stole from his Mexico passport victims. Berwick is a thief and a conman…and criminal…with many many victims.

Hey, gg. I'm not protecting anyone. Stop insinuating that because I expect more evidence, that I give two shits about him or what he does. I just listened to his podcasts because of certain guests he has on. I've read that post. Until someone shows either court documents, something legal to back them up, or at least show proof that they even paid him money, i'll reserve my right to think otherwise.

People keep replying that because of what they were purchasing there is not legal action, which is total bs.

And if you aren't pursuing legal action, then how about these people show proof of the transactions with the email trails. I'll wait.

Says the colossal con man who stole $10.45 million from 73 GGC investors.

Those who sent Berwick what appears to be (in Berwick's own words (below)) millions of dollars for Berwick's Mexico passport scam more than likely won't pursue him in court, because they more than likely don't want to be tied to someone like Berwick, or to his Mexico passport scam. It's like a crack addict running to the police because his/her dealer shorted him/her on their purchase. It doesn't happen.

I will provide the conversations, testimonies, emails and documents from Berwick's victims, but I will also protect their identities. Berwick, and those who collude with him, don't like that. They want their victims to feel intimidated. I know from first hand experience. I protect my clients identities and information, but Berwick, and his cohorts who harmed me, and Galt's Gulch, had zero care about such things. Why? Because people like them only care about what they can get out of something, no matter the cost to others. Cheers.

Grifter Johnson has been promising to come forward with all kinds of evidence for YEARS. We're still waiting.

How about making public the Galt's Gulch Chile accounting records and all legal documents as you told the GGC investors? Where's the cooperation and transparency you claim you're committed to?

The GGC Recovery Team made our spread sheets public, unlike the lying grifter Kenneth Dale Johnson, the thief of Galt's Gulch Chile.

Yeah, because people on the internet never lie, right? And certainly not to the Great stellabelle, the Oracle of self-righteous bullcrap...

Here is one, of the many, victims that Berwick stole money from . Berwick funded Anarchapulco with the money that he stole from his Mexico passport victims. Berwick is a thief and a conman…and criminal…with many many victims.

@dan did an interview this weekend with @dollarvigilante. In my mind that is nothing short of an endorsement from the founders of this platform. Everything is crumbling around them and their response is to support a man who continues to contribute to its downfall. Steemit is over and done. Pretty soon STEEM won't be worth a nickel. Good job @ned and @dan! It's okay though, someone will come along and do a much better job and put this dying beast out of its misery.