The Ethereum Power Void, How ETC Will Grow, and Why You Could be The Next Vitalik (Very Short Point)

in #money9 years ago (edited)

Ethereum Classic

Ethereum Hardfork (ETH) is currently backed by the original Ethereum Dev Team while leadership roles in ETC remain left in limbo (being listed just hours ago, this is to be expected). Yet, what ETC lacks in leadership it redeems in a zealous ideologically fueled following of Ethereum Purists. As mining ramps up for ETC, it seems only logical that a new development leader or team will emerge in the next few days. This person or team will capitalize on the controversy, ride the coattails of the platform Vitalik started, and rise to a place of prominence amongst the crypto community with little to no footwork necessary.

To make matters more interesting, it isn't against the original ETH dev teams interest to support ETC as they maintain a stake in ETC as well as ETH...

Supporting Statement Made by an Ethereum Developer:

A Tale Of Two Chains by Ethereum Developer @zsfelfoldi

— Chris Ellis (@MrChrisEllis) July 24, 2016

Essentially, by supporting ETC under the pretense of a different use case, they could multiply their profits similarly to how Poloniex did in listing ETC. It wouldn't be a disadvantage for them to advertise a more corporate and mutable/centrally-protected version of the blockchain for the banks and commercial users (ETH) as well as a more decentralized and immutable version for the crypto community (ETC).

In the event that Vitalik fails to establish himself as the leader of ETC before a third party moves in, Vitalik would be forced to partner with this new third party and co-lead the ETC project. Essentially this third part will have risen to Vitalik's equal in a matter of days.

Feel free to add your thoughts below :)


That article that is unsigned by a real person, has no authentication attributed to it, contains a 1000 grammatical errors, and even attacks and trolls, is one of the FUDDiest pieces of FUD I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot. Remember the interview with the DAO attacker and his letter later on? Those were fake FUD, too. Nothing in them came true. Anything can happen in crypto but...

this alone basically kills ETHC

At least it's not boring!

EDIT: I was misread the link's title. My bad. Ignore most of my comment.

@eeks Are you referring to my article or the article I referenced? I don't see the grammatical errors in my writing? Also this is not intended as FUD. It is very possible ETH and ETC could coexist (as mentioned above w/ reference to their separate use cases). Simply highlighting a potential power dynamic emerging. It seems like a viable power play for one to capitalize on the situation and hitting the ground running will all ETH infrastructure and attention.

My bad 100%, I misread the title of the article you linked. That guy is great. There's a FUD piece going around. Ignore my comment upthread or apply it to the FUD piece that starts with "Puppets."

No worries mate! I tried to keep things as information and straight forward as possible.

It seems very possible given the pace ETC is gaining traction...Kraken, Bittrex, Shapeshift, Nova mining pools, difficulty up to 5.75% from .5%. Itll be interesting to see how this all plays out. I'd love to see a new face in the crypto/eth world

Wow crazy. Another twist in the great story of crypto huh?

Vote UP if you belive ETC will grow higher than ETH.
Vote DOWN if you not belive that.

Lol way to polarize my votes ;D

ETC will crash because there's no dev team behind it and there are a bunch of security issues. I believe price is already crashing.

I buyed and Hold etc for just one reason, ETH HF was acting like centralized organizations operates, smart contracts most be trustable they have to be far away from manipulation, even bankers if you do a bad transactio they can't recover your money without the other party agreement. so even banks are more honest than the ETH team and the DAOngsters, if a centralized bank have better ethics than eth man, there is a problem, i will support etc.

Buy ETC and HOLD

How's your project coming along with ripple? Also ethereum if fixed on speculation, I wonder if the thought of less resources for mining power only multiplied the demand causing more natural resources to be wasted.? (Something to look into) It's only Adding to the pool of computing power. Bitcoin never slowed down with ethereum efforts. They failed but they're trying to fix it, while wasting people's money. (I'm invested)

The project is moving along nicely. Look for an update and iOS release in the next week or so. As for POW mining... its hard to say, but I would argue that as corporate interests and bigger players moving into cryptos (ETH and BTC in particular) mining energy expenditure will continue to rise. Unless, of course, a DL like XRP becomes the way of the future. Though ETH POS switch may help.