Turning a Penny Into Millions Challenge: Day 52 - $84.48
It's been 52 days since I started my #pennytomillions challenge.
Things have been chugging right along the past few weeks. I am now up to $84.48. So far this has been the random loose change that has been in my room, my house, and my car....and there is still more hidden change around my house.

I can't believe that over $80 of change has just been lying around my house. That's absolutely insane. I hope my challenge inspires other people to start their own coin jar. You can view how I started this challenge below.

I decided to find out how much the jar weighed and it came out to a whole 8.2 lbs
In my my past post, I have decided to invest the money back into STEEM once the jar gets full. If your interested in doing this challenge with me please post under #pennytomillions. Wish me luck!

that's awesome! One thing that is recommended in the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind was this...
“I want you to practice going crazy with excitement and gratitude anytime you find or receive any money. It’s funny, when I was broke and I saw a penny on the ground, I would never stoop so low as to pick up a lowly penny. Now that I’m rich, however, I pick up anything that even looks like money. Then I give it a kiss for good luck and declare out loud, ‘I am a money magnet. Thank you, thank you, thank you.’ I don’t stand there judging the denomination. Money is money, and finding money is a blessing from the universe. Now that I’m fully willing to receive anything and everything that comes my way, I do!“
Exactly! if you check my first day I told a story where my friend counted up all his change one night and it total $1,000. He turned to me and asked if ethereum was really going to take off. I said yes and he gave me the money to buy him ethereum. And that was over a year ago!
Now when I see loose change or when I get change back from a purchase, my mind goes: "Yes, closer to filling my jar." Glad you liked my post.
haha what a good friend you are helping them out!
That's a great way to look at it, "more money to invest"
Im sure by going just through my car I could find at least 10 dollars in change...
My car had quite a bit! If you check out my first post I found over $12 the first day.