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RE: (Video) This EXACT Same Thing Happened Before the LEHMAN Crisis! Global Economy Collapsing!

in #money8 years ago

A different view point would,have CBs haven't stepped in and provided support via QE, we could have had a depression erasing decades of progress not to mention economic depression for a generation like in 1929..


That depression has been a can kicked down the road via QE. They didn't produce any wealth, only units of debt to make it appear that there is wealth. It is an illusion.

It would have been great if they let it crash. In 1920 they did that. Within 1.5 years everything was back up and running.

It's been 10 yrs since last 'recession' and as a multi-retail business owner, I know we have not recovered since, amd in fact it conts. To get worse. The situation has been slowly worsening amd seems that things are about to go bad again. I hope not but I can't say I didnt see the signs last recession just like I am seeing them now.

Thank you for your input. I've heard the same from many others.