The Federal Reserve has totally ruined a perfectly good commodity, they have made paper worthless by putting ink on it.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #money8 years ago

Most Americans today know that JFK was killed because he planned to get the US Dollar back on a firm footing with full backing once again with silver and gold. Since 1971 when President Nixon removed ALL precious metal backing from our dollar what has the Federal reserve done? This has been the plan from the start, since 1913, these families are still running the show, the Rockerfellers, The Rothschilds, The Carnegies etc... it has always been their plan to cheat the entire planet by tricking them into believing the dollar was money, it is not, it is just an article of debt. Other than eliminate the middle class there is one thing that the Fed will have accomplished when its all said and done. They will have taken the perfectly good commodity of paper and made it completely worthless by putting ink on it. But that's been the plan all along. Most are just too busy fighting to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table to have had the time to investigate and learn what is happening, now blatantly, before our very eyes. I'm going out on a limb and I am going to predict that by Monday October 3rd, 3 days from now, this world will be a much different place than it is today. Very good chance of a bank holiday. If you have any cash in the bank, for the love of God, go to an ATM and withdraw as much of it as you can right now. Tomorrow go and buy at least 3 months worth of emergency food, make sure you have a water source and with whatever is left go buy as many ounces of poor mans gold as you can. (SILVER ROUNDS, SILVER DOLLARS) They are merely $22 on today's market. They will be worth a kings ransom when the 200 trillion dollar bond market collapses. I can see gold at $10,000 an ounce up from $1,300 today within a year. And silver, well there is SO much upside there, nobody could even venture a guess. One thing is certain, in today's world silver is more rare and 10 times more needed for industry as well as medical uses (Silver itself when used to make antibiotics kills 30 different pathogens) Gold is just pretty. Yes, you heard it here. Silver will be worth more than gold. I cant say when but it will happen. I predict silver to be up ONE THOUSAND PERCENT, thats a measly $200 an ounce. It could happen before Thanksgiving in all honesty. And if you can make it through the collapse, in a few years, it will be those who were wise enough to spend just a few hundred dollars on silver today who will possess GENERATIONAL WEALTH.

Paper assets will soon be worthless God's money.