It was Monica, she grabbed the keys and sold the gold to China all while she was under the desk, funny thing how Hillary just stood there and watched it happen.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #money8 years ago

Our wonderful President, as you may have heard, has decided to hand over full control of the internet to the United Nations on Saturday. Why, you ask? That's a very good question. Maybe that way when the internet goes down completely it won't be his fault? Maybe that's how they intend to stop Trump from taking the helm, without the internet an election would not be possible. It's not like we still use paper ballots with hanging chads, ya know!? Coincidentally this is happening on October 1st, one day before the Chinese Yuan is added to the SDR, (standard drawing rate) which is how the global basket of currencies trade against each other, where their prices are set. You know, that whole IMF thing.

What do you think might happen when this Gold backed Yuan enters the ring? Up against only plain paper, fiat currencies. China has been hording 80%+ of the worlds gold output for decades, all the while the criminal banksters and federal reserve have been naked shorting gold and silver, selling it 600 times on paper for every physical ounce in existence. What will happen when the stock market and treasury bond bubbles collapse and all those hundreds of trillions of dollars pour into the only safe place to hide; physical gold and silver. We sit at the precipice this moment of the largest economic crash in the history of mankind. So large that it will make the great depression look like one helluva great time, the good old days even. Why are there now hundreds of armored United Nations vehicles hidden in Maryland behind a Kellogg's factory? Why would our great President Obama also give control to the United Nations of our large cities as far as policing the masses? Could something so horrific be coming that he knows that our own Police and Military will refuse to follow orders but rather decide to follow their oaths to serve and protect? Yes, it's true, an army of foreign fighters are already here, on our soil, to do his bidding.

Why do you think he decided to do this? Why has our great President Barrack Obama sold our entire country down up the river? Could it be he has a bigger plan to stay in power via becoming the United Nations Secretary general? This is only a few tidbits to chew on for now. I'm just getting started. There are so many events kicking off this week that I can foresee a perfect storm brewing; and it's not going to be pretty. The establishment will not survive the weeks and months to come. I'm here to tell you that the Zionist Elite, The real money, the old money, those with it will stop at nothing to keep Donald Trump out of the White House. It is my understanding that FEMA along with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission have been shutting down our Nuclear Power Stations to the tune of 7 in the last month. Completely shutting them down, just to test how long they can be without power without causing a complete meltdown. These plants have never been shut down in decades, so why now, why all at the same time? Something huge is about to happen. I can feel it in the air. it's coming fast and hard and it's going to absolutely shock 96% of the population. Germany, The Czech Republic, Poland among 4 other countries have issued advisories to their citizens in the last 30 days; "Stock up on food and medical supplies in case of a catastrophe!" they say. This in itself is quite alarming, normally governments really don't care about their people. We don't hear this coming from our own Fascist rulers here now do we? That may say a lot. Could it be that this is about population control? Why on earth would FEMA need assault rifles? Why did FEMA order 2 billion rounds of ammunition? That's enough to shoot every US citizen nearly 6 times. Or is it just to take the ammo off of the market? Just so the people can't get their hands on it. Something smells, quite honestly it's been smelling quite bad for a long time. Well, the rain is really coming down right now, good time to make sure the rain barrel is filling up. I'm headed out to buy some batteries and candles.

Obama sold the nation to China a long long time ago.
What happened to our gold? China has it? Wait what? How did that happen? Oooooh, now I get it. It was the Chinese take out containers all along.

It's not going to be hard for them to declare Martial Law once the power goes out because someone shut off the internet and the ATMs all stop working without the internet, ooops, I guess that means the banks will have to go on holiday for a spell. I think while I am out I will take as much money out of the ATM as I possibly can. God only knows if the internet shuts down they could easily not be able to recover the digital records that tell them what our account balances are. What is that smell, I keep getting a whiff of it... Smells like something is on fire. Hmmm, I think I'll make some coffee. I do love the smell of white phosphorous in the morning. America, are you listening to any of this? Or do you simply just not care anymore? America are you just blinded by the dog and pony show of Trump and Clinton? The rest of the world sees what's coming. Why is it Americans cannot see it? Could it be that you actually believe the lies that the mainstream media keeps telling you?

Hell, the stock markets are at all time highs, and unemployment is below 5% right!? RIGHT! It's time to wake up America. This collapse has been planned for over 100 years. The catastrophic events about to befall us all are on a schedule. If it looks like the Hillary will win the election they will hold off on the collapse until maybe next year. If it looks like Trump is going to win, which I believe they already know that is the case, they will bring the system down now. Yes, that means NOW. I believe the world will be a different place on October 3rd than anyone could possibly imagine. I have a really bad feeling about New York City. I have a really bad feeling for anyone who is stuck in a large city when it happens. it's time to put your affairs in order America. You might get one more football Sunday out of this deal; but the party is over. It's a helluva a thing to hope you are wrong yet know you are right. Annie get your gun, things are about to get really interesting. Stay safe everyone. It's time to start praying if you haven't done so already. And maybe, just maybe it's time to buy a little gold and silver. Provided you already have 6 months worth of food stashed away. The central bankers have lost control of the system, it's going to be quite messy for a while.

And remember this one thing above all else; The revolution WILL NOT be televised.

contributed by Sam Spade 9/29/2016