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RE: 2/28/18. Post Market Wrap Up: Twilight Zone Stock Market Gets Real! By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

When assessing the situation we should remember that there are some individuals in the establishment who understand the threats that the U.S. economy faces yet their voices are ignored by the corporate politicians who are tied at the hip to Wall Street.
Read the comment below by the Director of National Intelligence Dan Coates. It should be a sober warning to the public and establishment:

Annual Intelligence Briefing to Congress 13 February 2018 – National Intelligence Director Dan Coates:

''I am increasingly concerned that our fractious political process, particulallry with regard to federal spending, is threatening our ability to properly defend our nation, both in the sort term, and especially in the long term. But even more important is the failure to address our long-term fiscal situation.The national debt is currently $20.6 trillion and growing.

This situation is unsustainable, and represents a dire threat to our economic and national security''.