Once You Understand This… Everything Changes

in #money7 years ago

Copy of Wall Street,Bitcoin, andcorruption.png

“What’s the secret?”…

This is the number one question that anyone who wants to be wealthy is bound to ask at some point.

Heck, I used to ask that question all the time.

It’s inevitable…

Because when it comes to creating wealth, people always assume there is a way to fast-track your success…

That there is this big “secret” that anyone with more than 6-figures in their bank account have figured out but won’t let you in on it.

Imagine all of them huddled up in a circle giggling and whispering about the secret to their success, all while you’re standing in the corner of the room desperately wanting to know what they’re talking about...

The answer is right there and you’re only an ear-shot away! Oh, the agony of it all!

So, what’s the big secret you ask?

Well, let me spare you years of torture and anguish over trying to figure out the answer to this question…

It took me four years of research, trial and error, and two failed businesses before it finally sank in, but once it did, everything changed… I went from making $12.50 per hour and living paycheck to paycheck to profiting $73,617 in one day.

During those four years, I thought success came from working your way up the corporate ladder through job promotions and pay raises…

Until one day I picked up a book by, Robert Kiyosaki, the bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, where he states, “Change your focus, from making money to serving more people. Serving more people makes the money come in.”

And that was when it hit me…. my aha! moment…

I realized that instead exchanging my time for a paycheck (an old-school way of thinking), I needed to focus on providing more value to the marketplace.

So if you want the “secret” to success… here it is…

The amount of money you make is a direct reflection of something I like to call your “Street Value”.

Our society uses the US dollar as a monetary unit to represent the value or relative worth of a product or service, from a bag of chips, to a gallon of gasoline, to the wage for a job.

Based on how the market system is structured, the amount of money you are capable of making is dependent on three factors:

Replaceability Level: The number of people who are also capable of performing any particular job.

Skill Set/Education: The amount of specialized skills or education needed to perform the job.

Leverage: The number of people around the world that your work will benefit.

For example, there is a reason why I only made $12.50 per hour working at Home Depot back in 2014…

There was almost an endless supply of workers who could have replaced me at any given time.

Helping lost customers find what they were looking for didn’t require any rare, or specialized skills or education… just the ability to memorize what aisle certain items were located on…

I was only helping maybe two or three people at a time, which meant I had very little leverage.

So while I was employed here, my Street Value to the world was very low, which is why I earned a little over minimum wage.

Eventually, my undergraduate degree helped me get a job as a Structural Engineer where I made $58,000 per year. (In hindsight, this really wasn’t a lot of money because I made just enough to pay my bills and see a movie every once in a while…)

But when you compare the two positions, I earned almost 50% more in salary because…

There are fewer qualified individuals that could perform the job, and the work required specialized knowledge and skills.

Now, the reason I only made $58,000 per year, instead of $58,000 per month, is because I was missing piece number three… leverage.

The impact I was able to create was significantly reduced because I was still in a position where I needed to exchange my time for money.

Now, please don’t take any offense to what I’m saying if you feel like you have a low Street Value right now.

I am simply stating a truth that I’ve learned through personal experience…

But understanding WHY people make more money than others is something you must understand if you want to break free from this cycle and pursue more lucrative opportunities.

Now, let’s compare these two examples to what I do at TheStreets where I provide an educational platform for anyone looking to generate multiple income streams to build a lifestyle where money is no longer an issue…

Are there many platforms on the market that provide this type of education and exposure at a reasonable cost?

No, so my replaceability level is low.

Does generating lasting wealth require specialized skills?
Yes. These skills are not taught in school and can only be learned by those who have proactively sought out this type of education.

Does this business provide me with the ability to impact the masses?


If I was introducing you to these people and opportunities by simply hosting in-person conferences or seminars then I would have zero leverage.

But because my online platform allows an infinite amount of users the ability to access the information anywhere around the world, I have an infinite amount of leverage.

So as you can see, my job at Home Depot had a very low Street Value to the world, where my job as a modern day middle-man that uses technology to reach the masses has a very high Street Value.

One job pays $26,000 per year, and the other job has the potential to make $26,000+ per month.

So how can you increase your Street Value?

The fastest way to reach the incredible level of success you want to achieve is to increase your value to the world…

And the fastest way to increase your value to the world is to acquire and master a new skill set and acquire leverage.

By changing your mindset from “making money” to “serving more people” you are providing an infinite amount of value to the marketplace.

Take Mark Zuckerberg for example…

Mark Zuckerberg is one of the wealthiest people on the planet because he revolutionized the way we communicate and acquire information on a daily basis.

Facebook is profitable because it provides value to people’s everyday lives.

But he didn’t acquire his success just by dumb luck or knowing the right people…

Before the invention of Facebook, Zuckerberg spent the majority of his time learning about computers, coding, and coming up with innovative ways to help his college classmates study more effectively using the internet.

The more time he dedicated to mastering computers and coding (skill set) it became his superpower and by utilizing the internet (leverage) he launched Facebook.

By changing his mindset from solving a small/tangible problem to solving a problem that changed the way people fundamentally live (providing value) he created a net worth of over 73 billion dollars and one of the most profitable websites in history.

So, in order to truly reach a point of financial freedom, you must change yourmindset to become a person who is actually capable of making that amount of money.

Think of your mindset like the engine of a car and financial freedom as how quickly you can reach 60mph…

If you want your car to go 0-60 in 2.9 seconds, you are going to need the engine of a Ferrari… not a Toyota Prius.

If you have the mindset of a Ferrari, chances are you are going to reach financial freedom a lot faster than if you had the mindset of a Prius.

Now, just imagine for a second what might happen if you had the mindset of a Ferrari in the body of a Prius…

You will probably crash and burn and become an instant replay on ESPN Nascar (embarrassing)….

An engine as powerful as a Ferrari’s isn’t designed to be in the body of a Prius! It’s meant to be in a FERRARI.

So, just like the type of engine you use is important, the type of vehicle you use is just as important.

You can’t expect to make a million dollars working a minimum wage job.

So that’s the secret…

The fastest way to reach the incredible levels of success you want to achieve is to increase your Street Value…

And the fastest way to increase your Street Value is to acquire and master new skills to solve problems and use leverage to your advantage.

Stay tuned… Next week I’m going to teach you how choosing the right business model is ESSENTIAL to building a life on your terms.

A life where you can do what you want, whenever you want, wherever you want.
