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RE: 7/26/18. Lovely Post Market Wrap Up PLUS: This Is The REAL Question! By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

While I have to agree that it is obvious that P Trump is complicit in the rigging, I view a number of things that he is doing as a global and internal war to buy time to regain military strength, while avoiding a WW, preventing the internal Deep State from destroying the US from within, preventing the market from crashing until real economic underpinnings can be rebuilt. Maybe I'm wrong. I definitely don't agree with all his decisions and cannot figure why he hasn't come down hard on the DOJ and FBI which are obviously corrupt to an extreme and why Hillary Clinton is still free on the streets. It makes no sense unless there is a major covert activity underway to take the bad guys down and it takes time. Only time will tell, meanwhile we must do the best with what we have and support one another for the disaster that is coming.
upvtoed and resteemed.