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RE: Universal Basic Income: What it Means, How it Works, & Why it Will Transform Our World

in #money7 years ago

UBI is for everyone, UBI is the next level of "wellfare". A UBI is a new idea and has never been possible before, but it is becoming more and more possible. Why should the government get money to push war ect. when a military budget cut could literally set the entire USA finnancially free. if every single poor person suddenly become financially able to do basic things financially i really believe america would be a better place. Sure some people would still do drugs and still do alcohol... but i do believe the benifits are better than what the military provide. Humans need a massive mental shift in my humble opinion. but i dont mean to upset anyone, i hope the conversation is going well. Im a European living in South Africa in case that mattered in this conversation :)


You can give your money away now. I'd probably pick falling bitcoin over a inflationary UBI currency.