Currencies of God and Man by Ray Istre (Part 6 of 6)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #money9 years ago

The Currency of Love

Jesus asked his disciples if they had any need that was not fulfilled as they followed him to which they answered, “no”. Did Jesus promise them beds on poles that could be carried around on the shoulders of the “lesser” disciples? That might have been the Cadillac of the day, but no, he did not promise them that. He didn’t expect that for himself and he was the Messiah of Israel. He did ride a donkey as a grand entrance to Jerusalem, his last before he died. This is in itself a mockery of the hirelings who shear the sheep for the money, but would never lay their lives down to save one. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, who gave his life for the sheep.
He told his disciples that he sent them out as lambs among wolves. History shows that they were rejected far more than accepted. Leaders of the early Christian movement such as Peter and Paul died as martyrs for the cause of Christ. Millions were killed by the Roman Emperors who would not allow any other god to be worshiped above themselves. Many died filled with the grace of God that radiated on their faces before the Emperor and his bloodthirsty hordes at the Roman Colosseum.

Jesus required that his disciples allow him to wash their feet. Peter refused at first, but relented when Jesus told him that unless he did this he would have no part of him. Jesus set the example of God shown in simple practical ways such as washing feet after being on the dusty roads all day. Instead of having impersonal laws to govern them, as in the old testament tithing, Jesus showed an intimate love of one toward another. He wanted them to accept his love and treat each other the same way.
Jesus was about to do the ultimate service for mankind by laying down his life as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. This would be the greatest act of his life, even greater than the healings he performed and even raising some from the dead. This sacrifice was ordained by God before the foundations of the Universe. A blood sacrifice of a perfect man was required by God to wash away the sins of mankind. The hatred of man would be heaped upon Jesus and he would return nothing but love.

The scripture says, “Love covers a multitude of sins”. It was love that empowered Jesus to suffer such horrible torment and death and it was love that raised Him from the dead. It is love that allows one person to have empathy for another and help in a time of need. Ultimately, the only way we can really know what we “need” is to allow God to provide it when it is needed. Our idea of what we need is rarely the same as Gods idea. The children of Israel would have preferred that God drop steaks and potatoes every now and then instead of the same old manna every day for 40 years. God would have preferred that they not wander in the desert for 40 years, but instead, just enter the promised land. God saw the need of sinful mankind and provided a blood sacrifice to pay the price to redeem them.
Paul the apostle said, “My God will provide all my needs according to his riches in glory” by tithing. No, that is not what Paul wrote. He wrote that his needs would be met by “Christ Jesus”. Of course he did have material or financial needs even though he did manual labor outside of preaching the gospel. In some churches, he did not ask for money from the people because they were new in the faith and he did not want to appear as though he only wanted their money. There is nothing wrong with him accepting money from those he ministered to, but Paul was sensitive to these new converts. While all of Paul’s needs included material and financial things, he also needed grace to die as a martyr, which is of much more importance. His focus was not on his need, but rather on his provider, Christ Jesus. Knowing Christ is far higher than obeying static laws that are impossible to make anyone righteous before the Holy God, who lives in Light so terrible, no man can approach, as Paul said. Our only hope to see God is by considering ourselves dead, but alive in Christ Jesus.

Paul preached Christ and him crucified. He did not tell the Gentile believers that they had to be circumcised, pay tithes and obey the law of Moses. He actually warned these young believers about the “Judaizers” who would come to these groups of new believers after Paul left and try to subject them to the law of Moses. Paul, even as a Jew, considered his “glory” under the law to be a pile of crap when compared to the riches found in knowing the mind of Christ. Obeying Jesus in everything is the law of Love that saves us. Paul taught cheerful giving as we are led by our Lord. Jesus is the head of the body of Christ, his people. He is the one who does the thinking. We simply obey him.
Contrast this with some modern “preachers” who make a big show about how “Gawd” gave them a Cadillac because they paid their tithe regularly. These guys must think they’ll ride their caddies right up into the rapture on those streets of pure gold. They love to preach tithing because they can then use the scripture about “robbing from God” if you don’t pay it. By this they bring people under judgment and condemnation for not paying the tithe to them. This is a point of boasting for them, but Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, never mentions tithing to the Gentile church. Tithing was under the law of Moses and was to be paid at the temple in Jerusalem. Paul is so very different from these covetous asses who twist the scriptures to their own destruction.

Destruction is coming to anything not inspired by the mind of Christ. Religious leaders will rise to actually help the Anti-Christ form the one world government. There will be a religious leader in particular that the scripture calls “the False Prophet” who will work hand in hand with the Anti-Christ. No doubt these “law abiding” people will be interested in collecting their “tithes” using the digital mark of the beast. It should be no surprise that they will use terms like, “Jesus”, “Christ”, “God”, and other biblical sayings. Paul warned about a particular man who was preaching “Jesus” however, this man was preaching “another” Jesus, not the Christ. This “other” Jesus was a false spirit and designed to deceive people, not save them. Paul told us to try the spirits to see if they are of God. Jesus said that many will claim all sorts of good deeds they did in his name, but he will say, “Depart from me you workers of iniquity, I never knew you”.
A realistic look at the world today, you must know that it is impossible for the religions calling themselves “Christian” and the “Islamic” to ever join as one under a single government. The only way it could be possible is through the control of banking and money. Politicians and religious corporations, for the most part, will bow down to the god of money because they love money, the love of which is the root of all evil. If their money supply is disrupted, almost anyone will bow down and worship what ever, in order to gain power once again. There will be great wars all over the world during this time. The scripture says that one third of mankind will be killed by war, famine and other horrible deaths.

During this time of the Anti-Christ, there will be great judgment from Almighty God. This evil ruler will have his day but Gods wrath will be poured out against those who refuse to repent of wickedness. God is patient, hoping that people will repent, otherwise he would just destroy them without giving them a chance to change. He will not strive forever with man in an effort to save him from death, hell and the grave. There will come a time when mankind has thoroughly rejected every attempt of God to save them. At this point, destruction will come and it will be too late for anything but eternal hell for those who reject Christ. The blood of martyrs cries out for this judgment because they suffered at the hands of wicked people.
Most of this wickedness is rooted in the love of money. Instead of trusting Christ Jesus to provide their needs, according to his riches in glory, mankind has continued with a bloodthirsty covetousness that must be destroyed. Instead of using the currency of Christ, which is the Love of God, mankind has developed this “Beast” and its “Mark” to control every business transaction and perpetuate a dictatorial control over the whole of mankind.

There will be some who resist this “Beast” system by hording gold, silver or try to be self-sufficient outside of the system in the countryside. They may be successful to some degree, but none of these things in themselves will offer protection during these terrible days upon the face of the earth. Lawlessness will abound and those known to have gold, silver, food, or material goods will have a target on their back. They will more than likely feel the need to kill to protect themselves and their property. Lawlessness will abound with rape, murder, strife and evil of every kind. It is called the “Day of the Lord” because there will be no power to call on for salvation but His. Otherwise, it will be hell.
Jesus said that if these days of judgment were not shortened, no man would survive. If this were the end of it all, there would be no hope for mankind, but it is not the end. There is still an Almighty God who has a mind. This mind is in his Son, Christ Jesus and it is offered to anyone who seeks it. The currency of God is the mind of Christ Jesus, the Son of Love. As Paul said, “my God shall supply all my needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus”. This includes material needs such as food, water, finances when useful, or the grace to survive on grace alone, if need be. It may also be that Christ Jesus will provide us with the grace to be poured out as a drink offering, as Paul said, which is to die a martyrs death. There is a martyrs crown for those who die in this manner, holding true to Christ Jesus.

The currency of God is Love. The Great Hope that encourages Christians is the promised return of Jesus Christ. There is debate among sincere Christians about the timing of his return. Will it be before the rise of the Anti-Christ, in the middle of his seven year rule or at the end? Even if Christians are here through it all, God has control over his wrath and as children of God we will not fall under the wrath or anger of God. He disciplines his children, but he does not get angry as he would against those who refuse his tender mercy time and time again. It may be that God uses his church to speak these judgments into existence. That could happen only through those who know the mind of Christ Jesus and have disciplined themselves to be obedient to his still, small voice.
He is coming back to destroy the Anti-Christ and the beast. The dead in Christ will rise from the tombs with immortal bodies along with those Christians, alive at that time, who’s bodies will also be changed to put on immortality. These people, in immortal bodies will then be used together with the Lord Jesus Christ to establish the kingdom of God upon the earth. The lamb will lay down with the lion and men will beat their weapons of war into plow shears to grow food instead of fight. The eternal currency of Love will fill the hearts of those who are blessed to have entered into this kingdom and everyone will share this love for one another in perfection. Immortality, eternal Life, the return of Jesus Christ is the great hope. Allow Jesus to wash your feet and do likewise for other believers. Even so Lord, come quickly.

Ray Istre