Instead of ‘Following the Money,’ Perhaps It’s Time to Retire It

in #money7 years ago

Have you noticed the dearth of positive, or even inspiring news or information that might actually give people reasons to be hopeful or generally optimistic about the world today or the future?

I’m talking about information that doesn’t require you to accept someone as your savior, or face other dire consequences if you don’t “believe” or comply.

Most news that I hear, if I listen, is centered around how much worse things are getting, could get, or will get, substantiated by sources as diverse as Nostradamus and Revelations.

But is this what we’ve “evolved” to?

Are outcomes such as the best that we can come up with?

Should we really presume that disease, pestilence, war, and destruction are preordained and unabatable simply because they are mentioned in a book and believed in by a few billion people?

If that is so, then not even God can help us.

I am reminded of the adage, exemplified by three wise monkeys, “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil”. This image pointed out two problems with this time worn thought:

The practice of being blind, deaf, and dumb to “impropriety” means that said improprieties are not changed.
In other words, this is the fast track to “Change No Evil”.

The other deterrent to change, in our present social order, is money. Not money itself, but how we think, and allow ourselves to be influenced by money.

Have you ever imagined a world or society without money?

It’s not as foreign a thought as you might initially imagine.

In fact, it would be worthwhile to consider what the world would be like… would look and feel like, if money were not the “blinder”, as it were, of conscience.

No Biological or Physiological Imperative

We use money because money was in use when we arrived here, but in spite of a historical record of ledger accounts that go back millennia, there is no reason to not assess the value and relevance of the monetary system and policy, as presently practiced, today.

Source: Democracy Journal

As presently practiced, the primary role of the current monetary system is not to facilitate a medium of exchange between people. It is more so used as a tool of manipulation, exploitation, management and control.

While economists want to have us look at the shift in value of money in relationship to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a look at what’s meaningful to people, i.e., purchasing power.


Another indicator of where we really are is outstanding credit card debt. It makes one stop to think for a moment, how much did the trend lines in the chart above put more people in the position of needing to use credit cards to make ends meet… which often still don’t meet.

Or to put it another way. Here’s debt on the national level. Visit the site to see how fast the numbers go UP.

SOURCE: US Debt Clock.

Those numbers are NEVER stagnant, and they never go down.

Why aren’t we talking about the workability of this system? How can anyone say that this is “the best system in the world” (as some try to infer)?

Innovation and Beneficial Change is Stifled

In spite of those statistics above, we have people who are anxious, even eager to build walls and go to war. And before anyone thinks that I’m critical of Donald Trump, had Hillary Clinton won we may not have had a wall debate, but the war might have already escalated by now.

Mr. Trump was a blessing in comparison, but that’s not saying much.

Why is there always money… billions for war preparation? Why are we quick to give “taxpayer” money to war mongering “friends” in foreign places ~ billions ~ but not support their neighbors, and have little regard, respect, or care for existing veterans who have fought, destroyed, killed, and been maimed?

Does anyone really think our “care” for veterans has been “adequate”?

And why are no overtures of peace being initiated; no declarations that we want peaceful relations? What we do see is a long history of U.S. interference in the affairs of other countries, near and far, while Americans “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil,” and change no evil.

Are some people waiting for Jesus to come back and take care of this? Or perhaps our space brothers?

While money is a major factor in evil that is done, and good that goes undone, can you imagine how things might be different, even better without it?

Just askin’.

As a society we have settled into a fairly comfortable level of discomfort. We allow politicians, government agencies, and corporations concoct an endless line of self-serving schemes and initiatives that they selectively tell us how they will affect (cost) us, or they do it and don’t tell, under the guise of National Security. We then discover, years later, deception, duplicity, and outright lies.

Yet, we still ride this not-so-merry-go-round.

When you take a break from following the playoff race, working 3 jobs to make ends meet, or taking medications that make you sicker than the ailment that triggered the recommendation, you begin to see just how dysfunctional our social order has become.

This is not a judgment or criticism; just an observation. What comes with that observation are insights into causes, consequences, and ways to solve the problem, to heal the damage that we have caused, not only to the environment, but to the traumatized and confused human psyche.

This is my interest. Not only to think “outside of the box,” but to illustrate how remaining “in the box” is not good for one’s physical, emotional, or mental health.

A recurring theme in my written or video commentary is that we can fix the problems that some factions are still willing to rob, kill, and destroy for. For the U.S., the debt clock accelerates every time “war games” are played. It’s not enough to ask why they are doing it. We’ve got to ask “why are we allowing it?

Turning into a post money society would be historic indeed, with far shallower “down sides” than any thermonuclear war.

We always have a choice.