
Hello @newmarket65. Thank you for reading my article. Cheap traffic means paid traffic -> cheap paid traffic does not convert, this is why its cheap. Quality paid traffic we can not afford as our comission is too low, we need to sell the actual product to be able to afford that. My course teaches the last option: We will not pay for traffic but we will do our best to rank for very good and specific buyer keywords as you can read in my next article. This way we will not actually spend cash on traffic but google will deliver us actual organic searches. The best thing about them other than they are free is that they actually convert, cause people are looking to buy. That method takes longer, it may take you months before you actually start making real cash but it is free and it is long term sustainable, like an avalanche. If you have other questions ask!

yeah sounds good i have tried it before the issue with amazon affiliates is that for if you have a buyer from usa and they buy but you are a uk amazon affiliate with the uk link and they link and you dont get payed. It need to affiliate link. how do you get round this ?

I would suggest marketing on the USA version. UK amazon also has restrictions on comissions as far as I know, I have never worked with so i can not answer precisely.

i got very frustatrated with them you cant direct link or even have picture of amazon product or its banned from the program

You should not be frustrated but educate yourself better. Thats right, you are forbidden to advertise links directly. This is why you should have a lending page which you promote, it can be like my sites which I teach how to create or it can be very simple with 1 product, but it should go through your landing page.

yeah i would like to learn do you teach ?

do you a course are you on you tube?