Become rich! Discover your ideal business and make it a success

in #money7 years ago

Become rich! Discover your ideal business and make it a success


In this article, we are going to show you the most effective method so that if you are thinking about entrepreneurship, choose the perfect business to become a millionaire: the Ideal Business Tripod.

The Ideal Business Tripod consists of 3 legs.

  1. Passion
  2. Market / Time

Now we are going to break down each of them.
Get comfortable, look for a sheet and a pen to take notes, and take your time to internalize each concept.

1st Leg: Passion

It's not worth it if you spend your life working on something you hate just because you earn a lot of money, you have to follow the path to wealth, but there's something I want you to internalize very well:


And what you are going to learn with the Ideal Business Tripod is to choose the right path, so that you live a full, happy life full of tickets.
The first 2 legs (Passion and Market / Time), they will show you your ideal business, the 3rd leg (You), will show you your ideal self to return your ideal business a success.

Let's begin to break down the 1st leg: Passion

The first two requirements that your ideal business has to fulfill are:

  1. That you are passionate
  2. That it be profitable

The first of the requirements will be the content of the first leg of the Ideal Business Tripod.

Let's start to break down: That you're passionate

The first thing you have to know is that you have many passions inside you, even if you have not found any yet, and that is the first step you have to take.

How to discover that you are passionate?

It's time for you to use the sheet and the pen. Answer the following questions.

What do you find yourself thinking about frequently?

What activities give you energy when you perform them, instead of taking it out?

By doing what activities do you feel so focused that you forget everything?

What activities would you do even without collecting?

In what activities do you naturally flow and ideas come to you alone?

What activities make you feel good about yourself?

With what themes or activities does your face light up and you smile?

What do the people you admire most? And what do they have in common?

Take your time to analyze each response well. When you have finished you will have an orientation towards which area to run your ideal business.

Write what those areas are.
Now write down what activities can be done within each area. For example.

Area: Finance

Activities: Advisor, Investor, Accountant, Administrator, Coach, etc.

Choose the activities that most appeal to you, that activity is going to focus your ideal business.

But before continuing, you have to ask yourself.
The activity I chose is profitable?

It's time to move to the 2nd leg: Market / Time

The second requirement that your ideal business has to fulfill is: That it be profitable

How to know if your business is profitable?

First you have to use logic to see if there is a potential market for your business. For that you are going to use a simple technique that we create in dinerandia: Market / Time Logic

Let's use a simple example. Suppose that in leg number one your result was:

Area: Writing

Activities: Sale of typewriters

(It is unlikely that someone will choose this, but going to the extremes will better understand the examples)

Now let's apply the Market / Time Logic.
For the sale of typewriters we basically have 2 markets.

1: Writers, journalists, etc.
2: Collectors, fans of the typewriter, antiques market, etc.

Now let's look at the time we reached the market:

There are 3 types of time: Late, difficult and ideal.
Afternoon: We no longer use what we want to offer.
Difficult: There is a market but there is a lot of competition.
Ideal: We are pioneers.

The first market has already left the typewriters a long time ago, now they use computers, the time in this market is: AFTERNOON

In the second market there are clients, but there is a lot of competition, the time in the market is: DIFFICULT

Generally the time in the markets of your ideal business is going to be difficult, but you do not have to be discouraged, it has to be a motivation to work harder.

Now perform the Market / Time Logic to your activity. If the time in your markets is AFTERNOON, I recommend you look for another activity. If the time is DIFFICULT, put yourself to work hard to position your brand. If the time is IDEAL, go ahead and create history.

3rd leg: You

In the first 2 legs you chose your ideal business, in this third leg you have to learn to take your business to success.
In this leg you will see 3 points:


Let's start with the first point: Mentality

Your mentality has to meet 2 requirements:



Let's see the first point: Be positive

A negative person always thinks about the worst, about the bad, for a negative person a problem has no solution, or the solution is worse than the problem.
Throughout your journey as an entrepreneur you will run into many problems, and with a negative mentality you will hardly overcome them.
Instead with a positive mind you understand that a problem has many ways to solve and think in those ways, do not complain, look for solutions and put yourself to action, that is the second requirement of your mentality.

Be proactive

Being proactive is thinking about the solution and being willing to fix things, to overcome the problem. But with a proactive mind you will also think about the future and know that certain problems may arise. And that's why you create contingency plans, so that when the problem arrives the solution is ready. This can be applied to a lot of obstacles and problems that you know you will have to overcome in the future, but it is also true that there are things that can not be foreseen and that is why it is important that you be positive, to think about the solutions to those unexpected and proactive problems to put those solutions into practice.

Let's move on to the second point: Emotionality

What you have to learn here is to: Use your emotions in your favor

You will not always be in a good mood, that's why you have to learn to leverage with your emotions, you have to create a habit.
Every time you feel sad take advantage of it, and think: I'm going to work hard and do things right to end this sadness and get back in a good mood. And do it
Every time you lose control, you have anger, you get angry, channel all that energy and use it to get to work, to silence who causes those feelings, shut them down with the success of your business. And get to work
Every time you get depressed, think: That inspiration, energy and strength find me working, I will not give up my dreams for a temporary emotion. And get to work.
It is very important that you exercise this habit, because once you master it you will be unstoppable.

Let's see the last point: Action

The most important thing, and I assure you that without this you will not get anywhere. You have to: Move
And I do not want to say that you have to run 10km a day, what it means to move is to WORK, MAKE, PUT UP, PERFORM.
Everything you learned here does not work if you do not put it into practice if you do not MOVE.
Now champion put this point into practice, and PUT TO WORK TO MAKE YOUR BUSINESS A SUCCESS.