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RE: Universal Basic Income: What it Means, How it Works, & Why it Will Transform Our World

in #money7 years ago

I think we need to scale back our military and reduce government and the inflation tax. The USA "poor" are pretty rich but that may change someday as the USA gets poorer and poorer. If it wasn't for the rich the poor would have to work or die.


Cutting military budgets to free up funds for far better projects like UBI is a genius idea. However if a country cuts its military spending by 80% for example, to make a real UBI possible, then that country would most likely be invaded by some malicious group of people... or so is the story the governments would like us to believe. To a certain degree military is needed in some countries. but We the People must really evolve our emotional intelligence. Greed and cruelty must become an extinct part of our nature as the human race. Slowly we get there... or so i like to believe

If we cut our military budget by 80% we could still destroy the entire world. I support a strong military to defend our borders. Our borders are not in Europe, Korea, Israel etc. I don't see the need for a UBI. I think we should just start scaling back our failed welfare programs.

UBI is for everyone, UBI is the next level of "wellfare". A UBI is a new idea and has never been possible before, but it is becoming more and more possible. Why should the government get money to push war ect. when a military budget cut could literally set the entire USA finnancially free. if every single poor person suddenly become financially able to do basic things financially i really believe america would be a better place. Sure some people would still do drugs and still do alcohol... but i do believe the benifits are better than what the military provide. Humans need a massive mental shift in my humble opinion. but i dont mean to upset anyone, i hope the conversation is going well. Im a European living in South Africa in case that mattered in this conversation :)

You can give your money away now. I'd probably pick falling bitcoin over a inflationary UBI currency.

Absolutely. The military-industrial complex has profited for far too long. The amount of tax money "invested" into military R&D is disgusting. But it's fine... we'll just keep cutting taxes in order to "create more jobs." We are simply kicking the can down the road.

I don't think socialism ever works out that great in the end whether it's military ssi ponzi schemes, welfare or UBI. We need to scale it back and move towards a free market economy before it is too late. In other words we are screwed. :(

You are correct about the US getting poorer and poorer....The UN has really started to ramp up Agenda 2030 and a mandate for that agenda is to redistribute wealth from the richer countries to the poorer.