How I Turned $1 Into $3000 In A Week - How You Can Resell Like A Pro Online
Reselling online can be a LOT easier than people think, It usually just comes down to one simple thing
-As always all videos posted by me are BY me from my personal Youtube Channel, unless otherwise stated-
Is it you in the pic? :)

Looks like him
Think the same :)
ahhh you were at the meeting too !! i thought you looked familiar !
hahaha yes was me :)
This was the first video of yours that I saw a couple weeks back and now I think I've seen most of them! Some of the subjects you tackle seem complicated but you manage to break it down and explain it to me in a way I (usually) understand. Thanks for that. Also love your calm demeanor and conversational delivery, for me it makes it easier to focus on the subject you are speaking on.