Reasons I love Forex

in #money7 years ago

Good afternoon everyone, I'am truly loving steemit and I'm so excited to be be to deliver another blog post, I'm gonna be highlighting why I love forex and the things I've learned in my forex journey, I'm currently looking through charts in my little "box office".

So here we are people the 10 reasons I love forex.

  • 1 Start up costs are next to very little, a computer(no mobile phones), internet and open a broker wich can be done for as little as £50 UK price
  • 2 Trade Forex from most countries in the world, going on holiday? you can still trade.
  • 3 Market open 5 days per week, no need to worry about the markets being shut after your hard day at work.
  • 4 Huge selections of brokers to choose from if like many of us you get fed up of one.
  • 5 Largest market in the world, bigger than the London and New York stock exchange and worth over 5 Trillion
  • 6 Allowed to use leverage which means position sizes much larger than your current balance can be took out which normally you wouldn't be able to.
  • 7 Forex teaches you risk management, trust, and the ability to independently think for yourself.
  • 8 Many strategies to trade forex, many do work if applied with correct risk management and risk reward.
  • 9 Financial independence, that's why we trade, to get away from the 9-5 job, go they holidays you always wanted, not to be held back by the" I can't afford it or get a holiday off work" we have all been there.
  • 10 It also sounds pretty awesome too, tell someone you are a forex trader and you will have their attention, lastly just remember Jordan Belfort from Wolf of Wall street, he is a pretty awesome guy right?

These are my reasons I love forex and I'm sure you have yours aswell, remember this is a journey we are all on together, if you like what you read I would be honoured if you gave me a upvote and comment etc.

From me to you I hope you's all have a pretty awesome day.

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