(VIDEO). MUST WATCH! Greenspan Vindicates Gregory Mannarino On "Debt Bubble" Theory.

in #money8 years ago (edited)

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In the video below, I discuss how former fed president Alan Greenspan is now warning of a "debt bubble."
Remember, Alan Greenspan was the only fed official who was trying to warn the public of a bubble in Real Estate just prior to the 2008 meltdown.

Greenspan vindicates Mannarino with regard to the debt bubble theory...

Gregory Mannarino @marketreport


Greenspan has written some articles and given interviews throughout the years talking about gold as money which leads you to believe he does truly know what's going on. His actions while at the Fed tell a different story. You're right Greg and the sad truth I feel is that Greenspan and the Fed know you're right also, but they have a very different agenda and good monetary policy isn't one of them.

Unfortunately there are debt bubbles all the world greg perhaps it's a part of their plan? , cheers mike

Greenspan seems to be the only member of the FED that's been right, complete opposite from Yellen. HaHa

Greg for the next FED Chair... uh, wait, no! End the FED!

Human bubble collapse?

Greg it will be a day that many will remember Now that even Greemspan agree's with you and you must never stop telling it, how it really is . and thank you and we upvoted

Great content - Great Post Great Pictures and the perfect outlook on Video!! UPVOTED COMMENTED - For YOU!!

Oh, forgot to add that "ifn" AAPL's errrnuns are as "blockbuster" as one would "expect" them to be then the short target from the coming high somewhere above 156.62 would be $149.00. In case you want to add AAPL puts to your repetoire. Always keeping you "informed," Greg. That way you don't have to get your ass kicked unless you truly want to. :-)

Thar she blooows, Greg! Don't panic buddy! Unless you thunk crAAPL's errrnuns would be anything but "magical." If you can hang in there til Th I will personally fix your SPY and QQQ dilemma. If you can hang in there til next Mon I will personally check your pulse. :-) Just joking, buddy. Really, don't make the same mistake you made 2 weeks ago when you crapped out of a long position with sizable losses and then got back in within a few days, wiping out your ability to write of the loss. The SPY and Q's will be my fooking focus...don't screw yourself into the ground when you are so close to joining me in my madness. :-) I will crush, Greenspam! And make Peter Schiff "beg" Janet yellen to QE4!! *-)

Yes, since day 1 you have been saying we are in a debt bubble.
Now former fed president Alan Greenspan is now warning of a "debt bubble." SELL your home now before you lose half your equity in it. pooof gone!

FED Man Walking...

Alan Greenspan warned of "irrational exuberance" over 4 years before the dotcom bubble burst. Those whom took him seriously when he warned, lost about as much, and probably more than those whom ignored him all the way.
Regarding "the debt", why would not you hear some Warren Mosler and learn some MMT?
Newsflash: we are not under a gold standard anymore.
Gold and silver are just commodities today, and less needed commodities than food and oil.
I agree that their prices are rigged, and I do believe that other commodities' prices are being rigged as well, but get less attention from you, for reasons known to you.
To me it seems like the DJI provides a decent opportunity to sell short, but before you do it, consider Lindsey Williams' "Panic Up".
I am not ashamed of copy pasting myself.
CNBC (a shit channel) giving Greenspan a stage to spew this recycled shit is part of this fake news dumbing down you just talked about.
Another thing is that I remember that Ray Dalio wrote that we had a "beautiful deleveraging", so I got to ask which debt do you and Greenspan refer to?
I would rather take Dalio's word over Greenspan's.