Today The US Dollar Hit A Seven Month Low, And The MSM Says Nothing. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago (edited)

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As I have been covering at length over the past several months, the US dollar continues it's a downward trajectory, yet we hear virtually nothing about it from the main stream financial media.

What the mainstream financial media will Force feed you is nonsense like "Bitcoin is in a bubble," and "you shouldn't be holding cryptocurrency."

Now, the mainstream financial channels are playing the same types of games with cryptocurrency, as they do with gold.

Today there seems to be a war against not only gold, but now cryptocurrency, which is being waged by the major banks, the Federal Reserve, and now the mainstream financial media.

What the mainstream financial nitwits should be talking about, is the fact that the US dollar has been in a downward spiral for the past seven months, but they won't talk about that. The mainstream media is nothing more than a propaganda machine, cheerleading for the falling dollar, spewing lies and garbage.

The fact remains that the Federal Reserve has made it very clear that they will do whatever it takes to create inflation, what does that mean? They will continue to Kill the purchasing power of the dollar.

Knowing that the Federal Reserve is determined to continue to kill the value of the dollar, do you still want to be holding them? Or would you rather be holding gold, silver, cryptocurrency's, or other hard assets.?

The answer should be obvious.

Gregory Mannarino @marketreport
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Yeah, but Zillow says my house is appreciating, so no worries.

I have created a budget in which I have a set amount of my income that I will be converting on a monthly basis into silver and crypto. This should put in a great position for when the crash occurs.


Great post Gregory,

US national debt: 19.960.000.000.000

20trillion mark will be reached by next month!

What about private debt (credit cards, mortgage, loans)?

Great milestone! The americans should be proud of that !

USA NUMBER 1!!!!! lol. At debt accumulation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pretty much

a very good reason not to watch lame stream media. I think it would be wise for the short haul everyone to invest in crypto currency of some type and gold and silver for long term. You could long haul crypto as well just becareful. Good read Gregory Mannarino@marketreport

We are moving into the final stages of the collapse. The 4th of July is going to be interesting.

interesting... i like >:))

and volatility got crushed today because the world is perfect and market are priced to perfection.LOL!

VIX 10.03 -1.03
27VX/N7 10.70 0.00
28VX/N7 11.00 0.00
VIX/N7 11.65 -0.03

What do you think about FAZ? 3x bear

I only follow volatility, commodities, and high dividend exchange traded funds/notes. Sorry.

I think we all know what the MSM is up to now so this shouldn't surprise any of us lions! Keep on steeming Greg!

Greg i agree with you about precious metals and cryptocurrencies,but something makes me nervous that the government will make them illegal to have,

I turn on the news and they boast about how the markets are up today! Of course, completely side stepping the fact that the USD got hammered today. Pathetic.... hopefully more people are waking up

EUR/USD [email protected] level. Almost there...

Im not worried, I full faith that the Fed will save us..:)