The Fed. Minutes Along With The MSM Agenda Is Vomitus. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago

me smiling.png

It is time to Wake the (bleep) Up...

Gregory Mannarino @marketreport
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Nothing the Fed does or the narratives the MSM pushes surprises me anymore. Their agenda is quite obvious. When they will pull the plug on this Frankenstein of a market is anybody's guess. The only thing I concentrate on is acquiring hard assets. Keep growing your personal central bank to protect your family.

Great video, the elite have always tried this but I hope people today are a little more informed ? The is definitely a lot more information out there nowadays. Cheers

The FED is coming. Somebody get me some Vomicillin!

Haha! I luv that white board!

FED just said, stock market will go higher, but man how much higher can this go. My prediction is that in 1 year, bubble will burst and it is going to burst big time.

Awesome video, Greg! I totally agree with you.

Thanks Greg, wonderfull art work, I agree with you on all this nonsense.

The Fed is simply stalling. The media has turned America into a reality TV show. We are all just waiting for the main dramatic event to trigger this collapse they have been preparing us with these small threats on humanity. Lions be on the hunt August 21st - Sept 23rd!

Meh. I'm putting my faith in silver and Bitcoin. The Fed can spout smack all it wants.