NEW USAWatchdog Interview. "Financial Zombies Cannot See Massive Inflation Coming" – Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Me new pic.jpg

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino thinks the public has a huge false sense of security about the financial markets. Mannarino explains, “The general public is zombiefied. . . . What the Federal Reserve is determined to do is kill the dollar. We might get a bounce here or there, but that downward trajectory that started in December is going to continue and has no end in sight. We know this because the Fed has said it is going to do whatever it takes to create inflation. The Federal Reserve thinks that making things more expensive and sucking the value out of the dollar means you are going to be better off. Right there you can see there is some kind of twisted mentality going on.”

Mannarino goes on to say, “What the Fed is not telling you . . . is the economy is dead in the water. The cash is not moving through the system. So, they can print or add digits to a screen from here to oblivion and not get inflation if the cash isn’t moving. That’s why we are not seeing massive inflation – yet. There is going to be a moment when all these extra bills start chasing the same amount of goods. What’s going to prompt that to happen is the bond market action. Right now, cash is moving back into the perceived safety of debt. The U.S. 10-year yield is plunging. This is positive to the stock market for now.”

On gold, Mannarino says, “Gold has just hit a high for the year, and that is also a trajectory that will continue. Why will this keep going? Let’s go back to the dollar. Investors don’t want anything to do with the dollar. They are dumping their dollars here. We are going to get, at some point, a massive sell-off in the bond market. Don’t listen to Gregory Mannarino on this. Listen to former Fed Head Alan Greenspan. This is what he says, and he thinks the bond market is in a bubble. . . . Greenspan also said the potential for a rapid sell-off in the bond market is very, very high,”

Mannarino contends a rapid sell-off in bonds “will be very good for gold.” Mannarino also likes physical silver and thinks, “It’s still the most under-valued asset on the planet.”

Gregory Mannarino @marketreport
me steem.png



I don't remember, Gregory Mannarino, mentioning Steemit., as a platform. Did I miss it? I did hear youtube.

I have been promoting Steemit since day one, thanks for noticing...

I've been watching USAWatchdog for years.

Also took Gregory Mannarino's advice on being own banker.

Remember this one little detail most people forget about Banks...
People pick up both old and freshly minted U.S. Coinage there...
Need I say more...???

... ...$7.77 ... ...1 Vote ... ... .... Reset

Trump wants to get rid of the debt ceiling. Incredible. We will be selling a promise of future taxation of people who haven't even been born yet.

We won't need a Debt Ceiling after the Reset and Transfer of Wealth...
I'm sure Trump didn't want to go into this Reset with a lack of Funds... (Play Money)...
The National Debt will be paid in full... President Trump is playing the
Banking Elite and their Puppets like idiots... Wait and see... With Trumps
help, "we will" Make America Great Again... Seems odd to me that I see
the outcome with better results then anyone else... We are heading into
a Win Win Situation... Our Income Taxes will fall into a much lower Bracket...
Read my Expired Posts...

... $7.77 ... ... 1 Vote ... ... Reset

We are sitting so pretty with President Trump on our side.. No matter how much value they "suck" out of their Play Money Dollars, right now, you can still go out and buy 100 Cents with their phony dollar bills... They really are Bills, with interest owed for as long as we use "their" dollars as "our" Medium of Exchange... And yes, it's very simple for us to Pay Off the National Debt... Why would anyone think it's hard to pay off Play Money...??? Our Coinage is very close to Correcting to Fair Value... Check out Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution...

... $7.77 ... ... 1 Vote ... ... Reset

Haven't seen any post from you lately. Still convinced that 2 / 5 dollar coins won't be minted instead?

Not really... We already have plenty of Coins to make it through the Reset and Transfer of Wealth... If a One Dollar coin ends up with the Buying Power of one of the current Hundred Dollar Bills, why would we need any others...??? I stopped writing Posts for now... I do get plenty of new ideas, but I decided to just leave them as comments instead... So be sure to look out for my comments... It seems that I reach more people this way and besides, the upvotes never really added up to much for my posts... I also came up with an Eye Catcher with my $7.77 upvote... People tend to look for things like that... lol...

... $7.77 ... ... 1 Vote ... ... Reset

You should use Steemit's dtube instead of YouTube for all your videos!
Great interview! Greg. Might take a bit of learning but YouTube is going down the wrong path.

I as of late couldn't keep your site in front of showing which I really preferred the most noteworthy superb information an individual provide for them? Will be returning as often as possible to look at fresh out of the box new articles.


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Have always love listening to the 2 Gregs!

They will stop at nothing, now YouTube is their new bitch. All this proves, is just how desperate they truly are. To me this looks like they are seriously terrified and scrambling like drowning rats, only to save themselves. I'll be promoting steemit in your YouTube comments. I just have to end with; it's not even worth getting frazzled over at this point. If this were poker... their poker face sucks! Because they know they have already lost. It's time to pray...Namaste

nice interview Greg. I always watch your videos even in dailymotion but the problem is it buffers.